Evaluation of features using Reviewer rules

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Reviewer rules created in the geodatabase enable automated review of existing features in your GIS and during editing operations. Automated review is supported in the following workflows:

  • Constraint—Enforce data integrity during editing workflows by preventing the creation or modification of features that don't meet quality requirements.
  • Validation—Evaluate compliance of existing features with data quality requirements by creating an error record for each noncompliant feature.

Automated review during editing

The assessment of a feature’s quality during editing is enabled using attribute constraint rules that automatically evaluate a feature during edit operations such as insert, update, and delete. The specific edit operation that prompts evaluation is defined in triggering events of the rule properties.

Automated review of existing features

The assessment of an existing feature’s quality is enabled using attribute validation rules that evaluate features at a specified time using the Error Inspector pane or the Evaluate Rules tool. To evaluate rules using the Error Inspector pane or the Evaluate Rules tool, the dataset and error layers must be accessed from a web feature layer that has the validation capability enabled.

Learn more about sharing datasets with attribute rules

During evaluation, error features are created for each rule violation and stored in the service’s error layers. Error features are viewed using the Error Inspector pane.