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ArcGIS Location Referencing allows you to create line or point events in a new event feature class for an existing LRS Network; modify an existing event feature class in an existing LRS Network; or load event records from a table, layer, or feature class into an existing event feature class.
Events in the same geodatabase as the LRS are managed as feature classes. The shape of the event features is managed based on the route, measure, and to and from dates.
Create an LRS Event
You can use the Create LRS Event geoprocessing tool to create line or point events for an existing LRS Network. If the event feature class is not modeled in advance, you can create it as an output of this tool while the event is registered in the LRS geodatabase.
Learn more about the event feature class and its fields and properties
To add referent fields to the event feature class, run the Enable Referent Fields geoprocessing tool. This tool enables the referent fields by allowing you to register existing fields as referent fields.
When the Create LRS Event geoprocessing tool finishes running with these options, a feature class is created in the geodatabase and is registered with the LRS.
- In ArcGIS Pro, open the Create LRS Event geoprocessing tool.
- Click the Browse button next to Parent LRS Network and browse to the LRS network feature class in the geodatabase where the event will be registered.
The Event ID Field, Route ID Field, From Date Field, To Date Field, Location Error Field, and Measure Field parameters are populated from the chosen Parent LRS Network.
Remarque :
If an LRS Network feature class doesn't exist in your LRS, create one.
- Type the name of the event to be registered in the Event Name text box.
If the event feature class doesn't exist in the LRS Network, it will be created.
- Click the Geometry Type drop-down arrow and choose point or line.
- Use the default name or type a name for the event ID event feature class field in the Event ID Field text box.
- Use the default name or type a name for the route ID event feature class field in the Route ID Field text box.
- Use the default name or type a name for the from date event feature class field in the From Date Field text box.
- Use the default name or type a name for the to date event feature class field in the To Date Field text box.
- Use the default name or type a name for the location error event feature class field in the Location Error Field text box.
- Use the default name or type a name for the measure event feature class field in the Measure text box.
The Measure Field parameter options depend on the chosen Geometry Type parameter:
- If you're creating a point event, type the name of the measure field in the event feature class.
- If you're creating a line event, type the name of the from measure field in the event feature class and specify a to measure field in the To Measure Field text box.
- Optionally, check the Store Route Name check box to store the route name with the event records.
- Optionally, check the Event Spans Routes check box to enable spanning routes for this event.
Remarque :
This option appears only if Geometry Type is Line.
- Click Run to run the geoprocessing tool.
The event feature class is mapped to the selected fields.
Create an LRS Event from an existing dataset
You can use the Create LRS Event From Existing Dataset geoprocessing tool to create line or point events for an LRS Network using an existing feature class.
To add referent fields to the event feature class, run the Enable Referent Fields geoprocessing tool. This tool enables the referent fields by allowing you to register existing fields as referent fields.
Learn more about the event feature class and its fields and properties
- In ArcGIS Pro, open the Create LRS Event From Existing Dataset geoprocessing tool.
- Click the Browse button
next to Parent LRS Network and browse to the LRS network feature class in the geodatabase where the event will be registered.
Remarque :
If an LRS Network feature class doesn't exist in your LRS, create the LRS Network.
- Type the name of the event to be registered in the Event Name text box.
If the event feature class doesn't exist in the LRS Network, it will be created.
- Click the Event Feature Class drop-down arrow and choose the event feature class.
The remaining fields are populated based on the chosen event feature class.
Remarque :
The event feature class must reside in the same feature dataset that contains the LRS.
- Use the default name or choose the event ID feature class field in the Event ID Field drop-down list.
- Use the default name or choose the route ID feature class field name in the Route ID Field drop-down list.
- Use the default name or choose the from date feature class field name in the From Date Field drop-down list.
- Use the default name or choose the to date feature class field name in the To Date Field drop-down list.
- Use the default name or choose the location feature class field name in the Loc Error Field drop-down list.
- Use the default name or choose the measure feature class field name in the Measure drop-down list.
If you're creating a line event; choose the From measure field in the event feature class by clicking the Measure Field drop-down arrow. The To Measure Field also appears for line events.
- For line events only, use the default To measure feature class field or choose it in the To Measure Field drop-down list.
- Optionally, check the Store Route Name check box to store the route name with the event records.
- Optionally, check the Event Spans Routes check box to enable spanning routes for this event.
Remarque :
This option appears only if Geometry Type is Line.
- Click Run to run the geoprocessing tool.
The event feature class is mapped to the selected fields.
Modify an LRS Event
You can modify existing LRS Events using the Modify LRS Event geoprocessing tool by remapping one or more LRS Event fields in an LRS Event feature class. You can use this tool to add or remove properties from a line or point event.
Remarque :
Any new fields that will be used for field mapping should be created in the underlying LRS Event feature class before using this tool and must have the properties outlined in the events data model.
- In ArcGIS Pro, open the Modify LRS Event geoprocessing tool.
- Click the LRS Event Feature Class drop-down arrow and choose the LRS Event feature class you want to modify.
The feature class must represent an LRS Event.
The remaining fields are populated based on the selected event feature class.
Astuce :
You can also choose the event feature class by clicking the Browse button
- Choose the replacement field or fields you created in your LRS Event feature class.
- Click Run to run the geoprocessing tool.
The event feature class is remapped to the selected fields.
Load event data
You can load event records from a table, layer, or feature class into an existing event feature class using the Append Events geoprocessing tool.
- In ArcGIS Pro, open the Append Events geoprocessing tool.
- Click the Input Event drop-down arrow and choose the table, layer, or feature class that contains the events you want to load.
Astuce :
You can also click the Browse button
next to Input Event to choose the input table, layer, or feature class.
- Click the Target Event drop-down arrow and choose the existing event layer or feature class that contains the source event records you want to load.
- Click the Load Type drop-down arrow in the Field Map section and choose a method for loading the events.
- Add—Appends input event records to the Target Event. No changes are made to target event records.
- Retire overlaps—Appends input event records to the Target Event and retires any records in the Target Event with measure or temporality overlaps as the appended events. If the appended event eclipses the Target Event, it is deleted. This option should only be used for linear events.
- Retire by event ID—Appends input event records to the Target Event and retires any records in the Target Event with the same event ID and temporality overlaps as the appended events. If the appended event eclipses the Target Event with the same event ID, it is deleted.
- Replace by event ID—Appends input event records to the Target Event and deletes any records in the Target Event with the same event ID as the appended events.
The field map controls how the attribute information in the fields of the Input Event is transferred to the target event. Because the input event data is appended to an existing event that has a predefined schema (field definitions), fields cannot be added or removed from the target dataset. While you can set merge rules for each output field, the tool ignores those rules.
The load type determines how appended events with measure or temporality overlap with identical Event IDs as target event records are loaded into the event feature class.
- Click Run to run the geoprocessing tool.
The event features are loaded.
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