Disponible avec une licence Spatial Analyst.
Defines a list of polygon feature classes that specify the location of lakes.
This object is used in the tool Topo To Raster.
All output raster cells within a lake will be assigned to the minimum elevation value of all cells along the shoreline.
TopoLake (inFeatures)
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
inFeatures [inFeature,...] | The input feature datasets. | String |
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
inFeatures (Lecture/écriture) |
The input feature datasets. | String |
Exemple de code
Demonstrates how to create a TopoLake class and use it in the TopoToRaster tool within the Python window.
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
env.workspace = "C:/sapyexamples/data"
myTopoPtElev = TopoPointElevation([["spots.shp", "spot_meter"], ["spots2.shp", "elev"]])
myTopoContour = TopoContour([["contours.shp", "spot_meter"]])
myTopoBoundary = TopoBoundary(["boundary.shp"])
myTopoLake = TopoLake(["lakes.shp"])
myTopoSink = TopoSink([["sink1.shp", "elevation"], ["sink2.shp", "NONE"]])
myTopoStream = TopoStream(["streams.shp"])
myTopoCliff = TopoCliff(["cliff.shp"])
myTopoCoast = TopoCoast(["coast.shp"])
myTopoExclusion = TopoExclusion(["ignore.shp"])
outTopoToRaster1 = TopoToRaster([myTopoPtElev, myTopoContour, myTopoBoundary, myTopoLake, myTopoSink, myTopoStream, myTopoCliff, myTopoCoast, myTopoExclusion])
Interpolates a surface with TopoToRaster using the TopoLake class as one of the input parameters.
# Name: TopoBoundary_Ex_02.py
# Description: Execute TopoToRaster using all the supported objects.
# Requirements: Spatial Analyst Extension
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/sapyexamples/data"
# Create all the supported Objects
myTopoPtElev = TopoPointElevation([["spots.shp", "spot_meter"], ["spots2.shp", "elev"]])
myTopoContour = TopoContour([["contours.shp", "spot_meter"]])
myTopoBoundary = TopoBoundary(["boundary.shp"])
myTopoLake = TopoLake(["lakes.shp"])
myTopoSink = TopoSink([["sink1.shp", "elevation"], ["sink2.shp", "NONE"]])
myTopoStream = TopoStream(["streams.shp"])
# Execute TopoToRaster
outTopoToRaster = TopoToRaster([myTopoPtElev, myTopoContour, myTopoBoundary, myTopoLake, myTopoSink, myTopoStream])
# Save the output