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The Data tab for Standalone Video is contextual and is enabled when you select a video in the Contents pane. The tools on the Data tab allow you to manage your video data. This tab is organized into five groups: Open, Bookmarks, Save, Sync, and Manage. The tools on the Data tab are described below.
Open group
The Open group consists of the following two tools:
- The Open Video button
opens any video in the Standalone Video group in the Contents pane.
- The Video Metadata button
opens the Video Metadata pane, which displays the metadata associated with a FMV-compliant video as it plays. The video can be an archived video file or a live stream video. Bookmarks create and describe a video bookmark.
Bookmarks group
The Bookmarks drop-down button contains tools to view, create, manage, import, and save bookmarks.
- Click the New Bookmark button
to collect a new bookmark and open a dialog box to type the name and description.
- Click the Manage Bookmarks button
to open the Manage Bookmarks pane, which lists the bookmarks for a video along with tools to manage them. The list can be presented in Outline mode or Gallery mode, which displays a thumbnail of the bookmark. You can add or edit bookmark descriptions and search for specific bookmarks. There are three tools for working with individual bookmarks.
- Zoom To—Zooms to the bookmarked position in the video player based on the time stamp recorded in the bookmark.
- Pan To—Pans to the bookmarked position in the video player.
- Remove—Deletes a bookmark.
- Click the Export Bookmarks button
to export all bookmarks from the active map or scene and save them into a specified bookmark file (.bkmx).
- Click the Import Bookmark button
to import bookmarks from bookmark files (.bkmx, .dat) onto the map or scene.
- Ignore Time—Switch on to ignore time when zooming to a bookmark.
- Ignore Range—Switch on to ignore range when zooming to a bookmark.
- Show Descriptions—Switch on to display bookmark descriptions.
Save group
The tools in the Save group save specific videos, frame images, and video information to the specified location. These tools also exist on the video player. See Full Motion Video player for more details.
Synchronization group
The Sync group is where you synchronize multiple videos according to time or location. This group has two functions, Synchronized Video Playback and Map Time to Video.
Video Playback—Click Video Playback to open the Synchronize Video Playback pane, which displays a list of videos in the project. Select the videos you want to synchronize to a reference video file. You can synchronize video playback based on media time, metadata time, or the current elapsed time.
- Sync playback on media time—All videos start playing at a specified time offset. This option is suitable if you have multiple sensors all recording simultaneously and you don’t have KLV (Key-Length-Value data encoding) absolute time recorded in your stream. You can use this method to synchronize playback.
- Sync playback on metadata time—All videos start playing at a given Unix time stamp recorded in the metadata stream.
- Sync on current elapsed time—Synchronizes playback based on the current elapsed time of each video.
Map Time to Video—Synchronizes map time with the date and time of the video. To enable this feature, a feature layer must be added to the map, where layer properties can be opened and Layer Time can be enabled.
Remarque :
It is recommended to use Each feature has start and end time fields.
Once the settings are configured, Map Time to Video is active on the ribbon, Select this function to display a timeline on the map which aligns with the video date and time. By adjusting the time line slider in the video pane, the map time bar will be adjusted.
Manage group
The Manage group provides tools for managing videos, frame images, and associated information. It contains two tools, Configure Workspace and Video Feeds.
- Configure Workspace—Define your workspace geodatabases and folders defaults. This allows you to export the different types of data extracted from your videos to the default locations. Click the Configure Workspace button in the Manage group to open the workspace definition pane. Define your default geodatabase and folders to save exported metadata files, images, PowerPoint presentations, and video clips for your project.
The default workspace setting for saving video data is your project geodatabase, with appropriate subdirectories automatically set up for the different types of exported data.
- Video Feeds—View and manage a list of video feeds. Click the Video Feeds button to open the Video Feeds pane, which lists the name of the video feed, its source (which is an archived file or live feed), and its status. The status of the video feed is indicated with an active icon
or inactive icon
. Options include listing disconnected videos and importing and exporting videos.
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