Manage Reviewer rules in a geodatabase

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Reviewer rules created in the geodatabase enable automated review of features stored in feature classes and stand-alone tables. Automated review is supported in the following workflows:

  • Constraint—Enforce data integrity during editing workflows by preventing the creation or modification of features that do not meet quality requirements.

  • Validation—Evaluate compliance of existing features with data quality requirements by creating an error record for each noncompliant feature.

You can create and manage Reviewer rules stored in a geodatabase using tools found in the Attribute Rules view and tab. The Attribute Rules view contains a list of rules configured for a specific geodatabase feature class or stand-alone table.

Attribute Rules view

When opening the Attribute Rules view, you can view a data source's rules by clicking the Constraint or Validation tabs. Existing rules are displayed on each tab with each row representing an individual rule. When you choose a rule, the rule properties appear in the details pane on the right side of the view.

Configurez la vue Attribute Rules (Règles attributaires) à l’aide des boutons Columns (Colonnes) et Filter (Filtre). Vous pouvez modifier les colonnes visibles dans la liste des règles à l'aide du bouton Columns (Colonnes). Il est également possible de filtrer les règles attributaires par propriétés de règle à l’aide du bouton Filter (Filtre). La fonction de filtrage utilise les colonnes visibles dans la liste des règles.

Navigational sections of the Attribute Rules view


Tabs are used to switch between the Calculation, Constraint, and Validation rule types.


Rules are listed in the grid section of the view. The columns can be customized to show more or less detail for each rule.


The details pane includes the properties of the chosen rule from the grid and is also used to enter properties during the creation of rules.

The rule's details pane, in the Attribute Rules view, displays input parameters for the rule and will vary depending on the type of check used to implement the rule. Each of these parameters has pop-up help that you can view by hovering over the information icon Informations next to the parameter.

Attribute rules details panel


Attribute rules details pane


Rule and check type

The Attribute Rules tab contains tools for creating and managing attribute rules. The tab is automatically displayed when the Attribute Rules view is active.

Attribute Rules tab


Attribute Rules tab


Ready to Use Rules, which contain Reviewer checks


Rule management tools

Create a validation rule

Complete the following steps to create a validation rule:

  1. In the Catalog pane, expand the enterprise geodatabase connection that contains features that require automated validation.
    Remarque :

    Validation rules are only supported on branch versioned datasets stored in an enterprise geodatabase. Datasets with Attribute Rules can't be used by ArcGIS Pro 2.1 or ArcMap clients.

  2. Verify that the data source is supported for the check type and that there is an exclusive lock on the underlying dataset.
  3. Right-click a feature class or a stand-alone table and click Design > Attribute Rules.

    The Attribute Rules view and tab appear.

    Remarque :

    The view is read-only when accessed from a web feature layer or a database connection using a nondata owner account.

  4. On the Attribute Rules tab, click Ready to Use Rules Règles prêtes à l’emploi and click the check from the Validation gallery group required to implement the rule.
    Remarque :

    The contents of the Ready to Use Rules gallery will vary depending on the chosen data source.

  5. In the rule's details pane, in the Attribute Rules view, configure the rule's required parameters, indicated by a red asterisk next to the parameter name.

    When all required parameters contain valid values, the rule is ready for use.

    Remarque :

    Rules highlighted in red are invalid and will not be stored when saved. Help for rule errors is available by hovering over the row reader.

  6. Optionally configure the parameters contained in the details pane to facilitate data quality reporting and corrective workflows.
  7. Click Save on the Attribute Rules tab to save your new rules.
    Remarque :

    ArcGIS Data Reviewer is designed to be backward-compatible with Reviewer rules created using earlier releases. Forward-compatibility is not possible at each ArcGIS Pro release because Reviewer rules continually evolve to support new functionality.

  8. Close the Attribute Rules view to exit rule design or create another rule from the Ready to Use Rules gallery.
  9. After creating your validation rules, share your datasets as web feature layers to evaluate the quality of your data.

Create a constraint rule

Complete the following steps to create a constraint rule:

  1. In the Catalog pane, expand the geodatabase connection that contains features that require automated validation.
    Remarque :

    Datasets with attribute rules can't be used by ArcGIS Pro 2.1 or ArcMap clients.

  2. Verify that the data source is supported for the check type and that there is an exclusive lock on the underlying dataset.
  3. Right-click a feature class or a stand-alone table and click Design > Attribute Rules.

    The Attribute Rules view and tab appear.

    Remarque :

    The view is read-only when accessed from a web feature layer or a database connection using a nondata owner account.

  4. On the Attribute Rules tab, click Ready to Use Rules Règles prêtes à l’emploi and click the check from the constraint gallery group.
    Remarque :

    The contents of the Ready to Use Rules gallery will vary depending on the chosen data source.

  5. In the rule's details pane, in the Attribute Rules view, configure the rule's required parameters, indicated by a red asterisk next to the parameter name.

    When all required parameters contain valid values, the rule is ready for use.

    Remarque :

    Rules highlighted in red are invalid and will not be stored when the project is saved. Help for rule errors is available and can be viewed by hovering over the row header.

  6. Optionally configure the parameters contained in the details pane to facilitate data quality reporting and corrective workflows.
  7. Click Save Enregistrer on the Attribute Rules tab to save your new rules.
    Remarque :

    Data Reviewer is designed to be backward-compatible with Reviewer rules created using earlier releases. Forward-compatibility is not possible at each ArcGIS Pro release because Reviewer rules continually evolve to support new functionality.

  8. Close the Attribute Rules view to exit rule design, or create another rule from the Ready to Use Rules gallery.

Modify existing rule properties

Once an attribute rule has been created, certain properties can be modified using tools found in the Attribute Rules view and tab. An exclusive lock on the underlying dataset is required before making changes to an attribute rule.

Learn more about managing geodatabase locks

For validation rules, the following parameters can be modified:

  • Check Parameters (varies by check type)
  • Description
  • Tags
  • Enabled/Disabled state (controlled from Attribute Rules tab group)

For constraint rules, the following parameters can be modified:

Complete the following steps to modify a saved rule:

  • Check Parameters (varies by check type)
  • Triggers
  • Description
  • Tags
  • Enabled/Disabled state (controlled from Attribute Rules tag group)
Conditions préalables :

Complete the following steps to modify a saved rule:

  1. In the Catalog pane, expand the enterprise geodatabase connection that contains features that contain rules which require update.
  2. Right-click a feature class or a stand-alone table and click Design > Attribute Rules.

    The Attribute Rules view and tab appear.

  3. On the Attribute Rules view, click the rule type (Constraint or Validation) for the rule you want to modify.

    The Attribute Rules view updates to display the chosen rule type.

  4. Choose the rule that you want to modify by clicking the specific row.

    The Details pane displays the rule parameters.

    Remarque :

    Rules created in previous releases may be upgraded automatically to address functionality or performance issues. An upgraded rule is highlighted in green with a ToolTip indicating that it has been modified.

  5. In the details pane, update parameters as needed.
    Astuce :

    Rule parameters that can't be modified are read-only. To modify read-only parameters, create a copy of the rule using the Copy and Paste tools and modify parameters as needed.

  6. Click Save on the Attribute Rules tab to save the updated rules in the geodatabase.
    Remarque :

    Modifying validation rules that have already been shared will require you to stop those services that reference the dataset to avoid a schema lock when saving changes.

    Learn more about sharing datasets with attribute rules

  7. Close the Attribute Rules view to exit rule design or choose another rule to modify.