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Tutorial summary
In this exercise, you will use Reviewer rules stored in a Reviewer batch job to identify features which do not meet quality requirements. You will do this by validating features within the map extent and all feature in the geodatabase.
Estimated time | 20 minutes |
Software requirements | ArcGIS Pro 2.1 or later |
Data requirements | The data for this tutorial is available from the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro Tutorial page. This package contains an ArcGIS Pro project package and a subset of the Local Government sample data. To download the data, follow these steps:
Open the project
In this exercise, you will open a project package usingArcGIS Pro and verify its contents.
- Start
ArcGIS Pro and sign in if necessary.
Attention :
If you have not already downloaded the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro tutorial data, see the data requirements listed above.
- On the start page, under your recent projects, click Open another project.
Remarque :
If you already have a project open, click Open
on the Quick Access Toolbar and go to step 4.
- On the Open page, under Open, click Computer and click Browse
- Browse to the Data_Reviewer\Exercise_5 folder on the Open Project dialog box.
Remarque :
The Data_Reviewer\Exercise_5 folder is located in the directory where the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro tutorial package was extracted.
- Click DataReviewerArcGISProTutorial_Exercise5.ppkx.
- On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save
to save the project.
The project opens with a topographic basemap containing city data zoomed to Naperville, Illinois.
Add batch jobs to the project
A Reviewer batch job is a container for configured validation checks that enable you to validate your data to identify features that do not meet quality requirements. For example, you can have a batch job that validates attribute values and another that validates data based on spatial conditions. Batch jobs are created using tools found in ArcMap and are referenced in your project.
In this exercise, you will add two batch jobs that are part of the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro tutorial package to the current project. The Addresses_AttributeValidation batch job has several Execute SQL checks that verify attribute values on Address Points, Road Centerline, and Facility Site features; the Addresses_SpatialRelationships batch job contains several checks that ensure there are no overlapping features for address ranges and that there are no duplicate features.
- Click the Insert tab.
- In the Project group, click the Connections drop-down arrow
and click Add Reviewer Batch Jobs
The Select Reviewer Batch Job dialog box appears.
- Browse to the Data_Reviewer\Exercise_5 folder.
Remarque :
The Data_Reviewer\Exercise_5 folder is located in the directory where the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro tutorial package was extracted.
- Press Shift and click Address_AttributeValidation.rbj and Addresses_SpatialRelationships.rbj.
Astuce :
You can choose multiple files by pressing the Shift key.
- Click OK.
The Addresses_AttributeValidation.rbj and Addresses_SpatialRelationships.rbj files appear under the Reviewer Batch Jobs in the Catalog pane.
Astuce :
You can view information about the contents of a batch job by right-clicking the Batch Job item and clicking View Metadata
. The item description information is useful in determining the number and type of checks configured in the batch job.
- On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save
to save the project.
Validate features using batch jobs
Now that batch jobs have been added to the project, you can use them to validate features in your project to establish a baseline understanding of their quality. These batch jobs include several checks that validate conditions such as road centerline values that are not zero, duplicate geometry for address points and centerlines, and that domain values are valid.
Validate features in the active map extent
In this exercise, you will use a batch job to validate features in the active map extent.
- Click the Map tab.
- In the Navigate group, click Bookmark
and click Spatial Relationships.
The map zooms to the extent of the Spatial Relationships bookmark. This is the map extent that the Addresses_SpatialRelationships batch job will run on.
- In the Catalog pane, expand Reviewer Batch Jobs.
- Right-click Addresses_SpatialRelationships.rbj.
- Click Execute > Active Map Extent
The Execute Reviewer Batch Job geoprocessing tool appears in the Geoprocessing pane. The Reviewer Workspace parameter is populated with the project's Reviewer workspace. The Session parameter is populated with the project's default Reviewer session. The Batch Job File parameter is populated with the name of the selected batch job. The Production Workspace parameter is populated with the path to the map's workspace source.
Remarque :
Once a default Reviewer session has been configured, the Session parameter for the Execute Reviewer Batch Job geoprocessing tool will automatically be populated with the default session. If you already have a session open in the Reviewer Results pane, that session will take precedence over the default session.
- Click Run.
Features within the current map extent that do not comply with the rules stored in the batch job are automatically written as error results to the default or active Reviewer session.
Validate features in the database
In this exercise, you will use a batch job to validate all features in the geodatabase.
- In the Catalog pane, expand Reviewer Batch Jobs.
- Right-click Addresses_AttributeValidation.rbj.
- Click Execute > Full Database
The Execute Reviewer Batch Job geoprocessing tool appears in the Geoprocessing pane. The Reviewer Workspace parameter is populated with the project's Reviewer workspace. The Session parameter is populated with the project's default Reviewer session. The Batch Job File parameter is populated with the name of the selected batch job. The Production Workspace parameter is populated with the path to the map's workspace source.
Remarque :
Once a default Reviewer session has been configured, the Session parameter for the Execute Reviewer Batch Job geoprocessing tool will automatically be populated with the default session. If you already have a session open in the Reviewer Results pane, that session will take precedence over the default session.
- Click Run.
Features within the current geodatabase that do not comply with the rules stored in the batch job are automatically written as error results to the default or active Reviewer session.
- On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save
to save the project.
In this exercise, you added Reviewer batch jobs authored in ArcMap to your ArcGIS Pro project and used the Execute Reviewer Batch Job geoprocessing tool to identify features that do not meet data quality requirements. Validation was run on both the current map extent and all features stored in a geodatabase.
After running Reviewer batch jobs to validate data created, edited, or referenced in your project, features that fail validation are written to a geodatabase to facilitate review and corrective workflows. Move on to the next exercise to work with the Reviewer Results pane to identify and correct features in error and update the life cycle error result to document your progress.