Disponible avec la licence Location Referencing.
Web maps can be authored using ArcGIS Pro. You can choose to add the data layers you intend to use, zoom to the extent, select a basemap, include a description of the map, and save it as your own item in Portal for ArcGIS for use in the ArcGIS Event Editor web app. Web maps can be authored and made editable by sharing with branch versioning enabled.
Share as web layers with linear referencing and version management
Version management provides management capabilities for editing feature services such as the following:
- Creating, modifying, deleting, and switching to a feature service version
- Reconciling and posting edits from a child version to the default version
- Undoing, redoing, saving, and discarding individual edits that have been made on a feature service version in an edit session
Quick version management comparison
Purpose of sharing data | Required publishing capabilities | Geodatabase connection type |
For multiuser editing scenarios when data is accessed directly from the enterprise geodatabase—also known as traditional versioning | Feature Layer, Linear Referencing | Traditional |
For multiuser editing scenarios when data is accessed via feature services with undo and redo ability—also known as branch versioning | Feature Layer, Linear Referencing, Version Management | Branch |
To perform editing activities using feature services, turn on the version management capability while publishing data.
Prepare data
Sharing web layers with linear referencing capability and version management requires data preparation. Use the following steps to prepare your data prior to publishing:
- Perform all data loading using ArcGIS Pro prior to changing the geodatabase connection type (step 3) and registration (step 4).
- Depending on whether your data is not versioned or is traditionally versioned, you must do the following:
- If your data is not versioned, proceed to step 3.
- If your data is traditionally versioned, unregister each feature class and table as versioned. In ArcGIS Pro, right-click each feature class or table in the Catalog pane and click Manage > Unregister As Versioned.
- Your geodatabase connection must be explicitly set to the branch versioning connection type.
Right-click the geodatabase in the Catalog pane and click Geodatabase Connection Properties. On the Geodatabase Connection Properties dialog box, choose Branch under Versioning Type.
Astuce :
You can also change your geodatabase connection type to branch versioning using the Update Geodatabase Connection Properties To Branch tool.
Remarque :
The branch versioning option is only available for 10.6 or later enterprise geodatabases.
- All data layers in the database must have the following:
- Global IDs, except the locks table.
If Global IDs are not present, right-click a feature class or table in the Catalog pane and click Manage > Add Global IDs.
- Editor tracking enabled with UTC time, except the locks table. To enable editor tracking, do the following:
- Right-click a feature class or table in the Catalog pane and click Properties.
- Click the Editor Tracking tab.
- Check the Enable editor tracking check box.
- In the Record dates in section, ensure that UTC is checked.
Remarque :
Check other requirements before registering data as branch versioned.
- Global IDs, except the locks table.
- Enable time on your data layers.
- Right-click a layer in the Contents pane and click Properties.
- Click the Time tab.
- Click the Layer Time drop-down arrow and choose Each feature has start and end time fields.
Remarque :
Once the data is published, you cannot set time filters for layers.
Publish data
Once your version has been created and the data edited, you can publish the data to your organization's portal as a web layer using the following steps.
- Sign in to ArcGIS Pro with your portal credentials.
It must be a portal with a federated ArcGIS Server site.
- Create a map in an ArcGIS Pro project, and add the appropriate routes, event layers, calibration points, centerline, and optionally, a redline layer.
- To share a web feature layer, do one of the following:
- Partagez toutes les couches utilisables de la carte sous forme de couche Web. Sous l’onglet Share (Partager), dans le groupe Share As (Partager en tant que), cliquez sur la flèche de la liste déroulante Web Layer (Couche Web) et cliquez sur Publish Web Layer (Publier la couche Web)
- Partagez les couches sélectionnées de la carte sous forme de couche Web. Sélectionnez les couches dans la fenêtre Contenu. Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur une couche sélectionnée, pointez sur Sharing (Partage) et cliquez sur Share As Web Layer (Partager en tant que couche Web)
La fenêtre Share As Web Layer (Partager en tant que couche Web) apparaît.
- Partagez toutes les couches utilisables de la carte sous forme de couche Web. Sous l’onglet Share (Partager), dans le groupe Share As (Partager en tant que), cliquez sur la flèche de la liste déroulante Web Layer (Couche Web) et cliquez sur Publish Web Layer (Publier la couche Web)
- Attribuez un nom à la couche web.
- Si votre portail actif est ArcGIS Online, pour Layer Type (Type de couche), sélectionnez Feature (Entité).
Si votre portail actif est un portail ArcGIS Enterprise et que vous souhaitez référencer des jeux de données dans une base de données d’entreprise inscrite, vérifiez que l’option Map Image (Image de carte) est sélectionnée sous Reference registered data (Référencer les données inscrites). Cliquez sur Feature (Entité) pour partager la couche d’entités Web en tant que couche dépendante sur la couche d’images de carte.
Si vous sélectionnez l’option Feature (Entité) sous Copy all data (Copier toutes les données) à la place, toutes les couches sont copiées dans la base de données gérée du serveur d’hébergement.
- Renseignez les champs Résumé et Balises.
- Specify how the web layer will be shared:
- Tout le monde : cette option rend votre contenu public. Tout le monde peut y accéder et l'afficher.
- Mon organisation : cette option permet le partage de votre contenu avec tous les utilisateurs authentifiés de l'organisation.
- Groups (Groupes) : cette option vous permet de partager votre contenu avec les groupes auxquels vous appartenez, ainsi que leurs membres.
Remarque :
The Share with options vary when sharing to ArcGIS Enterprise using the Reference registered data option.
- Click the Configuration tab.
- On the Configuration tab, check both Linear Referencing and Version Management under Capabilities.
- Click Analyze to check for any errors or issues. You must resolve all errors before you can complete the publishing process.
Remarque :
Analyzers are used to validate the branch versioned dataset when publishing as a feature service. The following conditions are enforced by these analyzers:
- ArcGIS Server 10.6 or later instances are supported.
- If Version Management is enabled under Capabilities, all layers must be of the same registration type.
- All data must belong to a branch workspace.
- All data must be published from the default version.
- The connected geodatabase user must be the owner of the data.
- Definition queries must not be present.
- All fields must be visible.
- Once validated, click Publish to share your web layer.
Your layers are now published as a feature service with linear referencing and version management capability. ArcGIS Pro users with Portal for ArcGIS credentials can now create secondary versions of your feature service and start editing.