Delete Routes (Location Referencing)

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Disponible avec la licence Location Referencing.


Deletes routes and associated data elements from the LRS Network.


  • An LRS dataset is required to run this tool. To create an LRS dataset, add the calibration point, centerline, and redline layers to a feature dataset; then run the Modify LRS tool with the geodatabase as the input.

  • As part of deleting routes, the Delete Routes tool also does the following:

    • Delete all Centerline Sequence records that have the routeId of deleted routes.
    • Delete all records in the lrs_edit_log table related to deleted routes.
    • Optionally delete associated centerlines, calibration points, and events.
      Attention :

      Running Delete Routes without using Delete associated centerlines, Delete associated calibration points, and Delete associated events may result in those centerlines, calibration points, and events not referencing to any route.

  • The input must be a network feature class registered with an LRS Network.

  • Select routes that need to be deleted before running the tool. Selection on an LRS Network feature class can be performed using the Select tool or definition queries.

  • If no routes have been selected in the LRS Network feature class, the tool will fail.

  • Selected route records with the same routeId will be deleted across time.

  • If a route is selected in a Line Network, all routes in the same line are deleted across time.

  • If the Delete associated calibration points check box is checked, calibration points associated with the routes will be deleted across time.

  • If the Delete associated events check box is checked, all events registered with the network that have the same routeId of a deleted route will be deleted across time.

  • If the Delete associated centerlines check box is checked, centerlines associated with the selected routes will be deleted. If centerlines are shared between networks, those common centerlines will not be deleted.

  • It is recommended that you not run this tool on the default version of a database.

  • If Delete Routes is run in an edit session, the deleted routes can be undone.

  • Attention :

    If the Delete Routes tool is run outside an edit session, the deleted routes cannot be undone.

  • In the case of routes that have a null routeId or lineId, the tool will run but records will not be deleted.

  • The Delete Routes tool cannot be run on network layers in ArcGIS Pro when a time filter is turned on.


arcpy.locref.DeleteRoutes(in_route_features, {delete_associated_calibration_points}, {delete_associated_events}, {delete_associated_centerlines})
ParamètreExplicationType de données

The route feature class registered with the network.

Feature Layer

Specifies whether calibration points associated with the deleted routes will be deleted.

  • DELETE_CALIBRATION_POINTSCalibration points associated with the routes will be deleted.
  • NO_DELETE_CALIBRATION_POINTSCalibration points associated with the routes will not be deleted. This is the default.

Specifies whether events associated with the deleted routes will be deleted.

  • DELETE_EVENTSEvents associated with the routes will be deleted.
  • NO_DELETE_EVENTSEvents associated with the routes will not be deleted. This is the default.

Specifies whether centerlines that are exclusively associated with the deleted routes will be deleted.

  • DELETE_CENTERLINESCenterlines exclusively associated with the selected routes will be deleted. If centerlines are shared between networks, those common centerlines will not be deleted.
  • NO_DELETE_CENTERLINESCenterlines will not be deleted. This is the default.

Sortie dérivée

NomExplicationType de données

Updated LRS Network feature class.

Feature Layer

A text file that details the routes deleted from the LRS Network feature class.

Text File

The updated derived route feature layer.

Feature Layer

Exemple de code

DeleteRoutes example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the DeleteRoutes function in immediate mode.

# Name:
# Description: Delete routes and associated data elements from LRS Network.
# Requires: ArcGIS Location Referencing

# Check out license

# Tool variables
in_route_features= "PipelineNetwork"

# Set current workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\Data\UPDM.gdb"

# Execute the tool
arcpy.locref.DeleteRoutes('PipelineNetwork', 'DELETE_CALIBRATION_POINTS', 'DELETE_EVENTS', 'DELETE_CENTERLINES')

# Check in license
DeleteRoutes example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the DeleteRoutes function.

# Name:
# Description: Delete routes and associated data elements from an LRS Network.
# Requires: ArcGIS Location Referencing

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy

# Check out license

# Provide the path of database
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Users\Desktop\PipelineReferencing.gdb\LRS\LineNetwork"

# Convert network feature class to layer
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("LineNetwork", "networklyr")

# Process: Select Layer By Attribute
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("networklyr", "NEW_SELECTION", "RouteID = '11316262800'")

# Run Delete Routes tool

print("Successfully deleted the selected route...")

# Check in license
DeleteRoutes example 3 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the DeleteRoutes function in a feature service.

# Name:
# Description: Delete routes in stand-alone mode using a feature service. It is recommended to work in a version and post it into the default version.
# Requires: ArcGIS Location Referencing

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy

# Check out license

# Set tool variables
delete_associated_calibration_points = "DELETE_CALIBRATION_POINTS"
delete_associated_events = "DELETE_EVENTS"
delete_associated_centerlines = "DELETE_CENTERLINES"

# Input LRS route network is in a feature service. Sign into portal is required to access the feature service.
arcpy.SignInToPortal('', 'username', 'password')

## Make a layer of the LRS route network from the feature service for applying selection. Here, 1 corresponds to the LRS route network
in_route_layer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("", 'route_layer')

## Process: Select Layer by attribute as required
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(in_route_layer, "NEW_SELECTION", "RouteID = 'routeid1'")

# Process : Delete Routes
arcpy.DeleteRoutes_locref( in_route_layer, delete_associated_calibration_points, delete_associated_events, delete_associated_centerlines)

# Check in license

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Requiert ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: Requiert ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: Requiert ArcGIS Location Referencing

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