Workflow pane

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The Workflow pane provides access to the jobs assigned to the current user logged in to the system and their groups. The jobs assigned to the current user are displayed in the list by default, whereas the jobs assigned to the groups of current users can be accessed by clicking Group Jobs. Each job in the list is displayed with the job name, priority, and due date, and the job list can be filtered based on these properties.

Remarque :

Click the Refresh button Actualiser la tâche to view any new job assigned to the current user or their groups in the job list. This will also clear any filter applied to the list.

Closed jobs are not displayed in the job list.

Workflow pane overview

The Job Details section can also be collapsed to display more jobs in the list. It provides the following information:

  • Type—The template on which the chosen job is based.
  • Assigned To—The user or group the chosen job is assigned to.
  • Status—The status of the chosen job, displayed as a percentage of completion.
  • Current Step(s)—The current step or steps for the chosen job.
    Remarque :

    If the job has more than one current step in parallel for the workflow, all of the current steps are displayed in a drop-down list. You can choose any current step from the drop-down list for execution.

    • Aide—The Help button next to Current Step(s) provides help information on the current active step through external web pages or simple HTML instructions. The step help pane stays open as you navigate between different jobs in the Workflow pane.
      Remarque :

      The Help button is only visible if the step help is configured for that step. If you have multiple Current Step(s) configured, the help information will be displayed for the chosen step in the drop-down list.

  • Step Percentage—Provides a drop-down list for updating the percentage of step completion. Step percentage can't be updated for offline jobs.

The chosen job in the Workflow pane can be executed and marked as complete using the Execute and Finish buttons.

Job execution

The chosen job in the Workflow pane can be executed and marked as complete using the Execute and Finish buttons. A job assigned to a group is assigned to the current user when executed, and the job is, in turn, moved to the My Open Jobs list. If a job is reassigned to another user or group, the job is removed from the Workflow pane job list and a message is displayed in the pane. When a job list is closed, the job is removed from the job list and a message is displayed in the Workflow pane. If a job workflow has holds on it, it cannot be executed until the holds are released. Offline jobs can be executed in an offline project only.

Execute option

For an automated step, the Execute option marks the step as started and executes the step logic associated with the step. For a procedural step, it marks the step as started. If the step being executed is configured to move to the next step after execution, the current step is marked as complete, and the workflow moves to the next step after the current step is executed for both automated and procedural steps.

Finish option

If a step is not configured to move to the next step after execution, it needs to be manually marked as complete using the Finish option. If a step is configured so it can be skipped, the step can be marked as complete without executing using the Finish option.

Suspend execution of a step

Step execution can be suspended for some steps when work is performed over a long time with a period of inactivity in between. The data editing steps configured with the Import/Launch Mapping Items step template can be suspended when the step is not configured to proceed to the next step automatically. This option allows you to execute the step again after the step is suspended, when work is stopped and the job map is closed. The Import/Launch Mapping Items step can be suspended from the Workflow pane and the map view using the Suspend option when the step execution is in progress. In the Workflow pane, Suspend is displayed in place of Execute when the Import/Launch Mapping Items step is executed. In the map view, the Suspend option is presented when you try to close the job map while the step is executing and is configured not to proceed to the next step automatically.

Remarque :

When the step in the Current Step(s) drop-down list is being executed, the Suspend and Finish buttons are enabled on the Workflow pane. The Current Step(s) drop-down list is disabled until the step is either suspended or finished.

Dans cette rubrique
  1. Job execution