Prepare Aviation Data (Aviation)

Cette documentation ArcGIS 2.8 a été archivée et n’est plus mise à jour. Certains contenus et liens peuvent être obsolètes. Consultez la dernière version de la documentation.

Disponible avec une licence Aviation Charting.


Evaluates aviation data based on organizationally specific JSON scripts, returning values necessary for cartographic labeling and symbolization. Returned values are stored in a single attribute of your features.


  • The optional Input Datasets parameter is populated by a list of tables and feature classes from the provided JSON. You can select specific tables and features classes for evaluation. If none are selected, they will all be evaluated.

    Remarque :

    Relationship class field names from enterprise geodatabases must be qualified with their schema and table names in the JSON config file. For example, GIS.NavaidAssociation.NAVAIDSYSTEM_ID includes the schema name GIS, the table name NavaidAssociation, and the field name NAVAIDSYSTEM_ID. Field names from other dataset types can also be qualified with their schema name, but it is only necessary to qualify them by table name, for example, NavaidSystem.GFID.


ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Target Geodatabase

The ArcGIS Aviation Charting schema workspace on which the evaluation will be run.

Configuration File (.json)

The JSON file containing the evaluation criteria.

Input Datasets

The names of the tables and feature classes to be evaluated.


Sortie obtenue

ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Output Workspace

The output aviation workspace containing the evaluation results.



Cet outil n’utilise pas d’environnement de géotraitement.

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Non
  • Standard: Nécessite ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: Non

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