Report Aviation Chart Changes (Aviation)

Disponible avec une licence Aviation Charting.


Compares feature classes in two enterprise geodatabase versions and returns the differences in a report. You can filter the reported changes to determine which charts are affected by the differing data sources. You can set filters based on areas of interest (AOI), definition queries, and Report Chart Changes preferences.

Once generated, the report will be written to the ChartChanges feature class in the ArcGIS Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase schema. You can name the report and reference it through the SessionID unique report identifier. You can use the Chart Changes tool to view the report.


  • The Aviation Workspace parameter value must be a versioned enterprise geodatabase. File geodatabases are not supported by this tool.

  • You must populate the workspace preference table with Report Chart Changes preferences before running this tool. These preferences will define which feature classes and attributes will be included in the report. After a preference is created, you can update the attributes as necessary. You can also create multiple preferences by assigning unique names to each preference in the table.

    Learn more about creating preferences

  • The Area of Interest Features polygon feature class is used to set a boundary within which features will be processed. Features that wholly or partially overlap the AOI will be processed.

  • To avoid unexpected errors when referencing a feature class in your enterprise geodatabase, provide an absolute path to your workspace when using the Area of Interest Features parameter in Python.

  • The generated report must have a unique name. You cannot have two reports with the same name in the ChartChanges table.


ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Aviation Workspace

The versioned enterprise ArcGIS Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase.

The workspace cannot be a file geodatabase.

Base Version

The version of the ArcGIS Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase to compare to.

Comparison Version

The version of the ArcGIS Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase to compare to the Base Version parameter value.

Report Preference

The Report Chart Changes preference setting from the preference table.

This preference will define which feature classes will be included in your report.

Report Name

The unique name of the report, containing changes between the geodatabase versions.

Area of Interest Features

The boundary within which features will be processed.

Feature Layer

Sortie obtenue

ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
ID of Generated Report

The SessionID of the report from the ChartChanges feature class.


arcpy.aviation.ReportAviationChartChanges(aviation_workspace, base_version, comparison_version, report_preference, report_name, {aoi_features})
NomExplicationType de données

The versioned enterprise ArcGIS Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase.

The workspace cannot be a file geodatabase.


The version of the ArcGIS Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase to compare to.


The version of the ArcGIS Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase to compare to the base_version parameter value.


The Report Chart Changes preference setting from the preference table.

This preference will define which feature classes will be included in your report.


The unique name of the report, containing changes between the geodatabase versions.


The boundary within which features will be processed.

Feature Layer

Sortie obtenue

NomExplicationType de données

The SessionID of the report from the ChartChanges feature class.


Exemple de code

ReportAviationChartChanges example (stand-alone script)

The following code sample demonstrates how to use the ReportAviationChartChanges function.

# Name:
# Description: Creates a report containing differences between feature classes in two enterprise geodatabase version.

import arcpy

# Check out Aviation license


# Set variables

aviation_workspace = r'D:\Data\Database.sde'

base_version = "GIS.Base"

comparison_version = "GIS.Branch"

report_preference = "MyPreference"

report_name = "MyReport"

aoi_features = aviation_workspace + "\\AOI"

# Execute ReportAviationChartChanges

arcpy.aviation.ReportAviationChartChanges(aviation_workspace, base_version, comparison_version, report_preference, report_name, aoi_features)

# Check in Aviation license


Cet outil n’utilise pas d’environnement de géotraitement.

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Non
  • Standard: Nécessite ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: Non

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