Overlay Events (Location Referencing)

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Disponible avec la licence Location Referencing.


Overlays one or more linear event feature layers onto a target network and outputs a feature class or table that represents the dynamic segmentation of the inputs.


  • All input Event Layers must be line events.

  • The Event Layers parameter can only include linear event feature classes registered with an ArcGIS Location Referencing network.

  • If the input events use different linear referencing methods (LRM), they will be translated using the LRM of the target network.

  • This tool supports selection sets.

  • This tool supports definition filters.

  • This tool supports input Event Layers that are configured to contain events that span multiple routes. The output will still dynamically segment at the route level of the target network using the Network Fields parameter.

  • This tool supports temporal segmentation (time slicing). This will occur by default and can be overridden by creating a time-based definition query or applying a selection set to the inputs.

  • This tool supports including one or more fields from the network feature class in the output using the Network Fields parameter.

  • The output can be saved as either a table or a feature class.

  • If saved as a table or feature class, the output will have the following indexes and fields:



    • Route_ID


    • Route_ID
    • From_Date
    • To_Date
    • From_Measure
    • To_Measure

  • If the target LRS Network is configured as a line network with support for a multifield route ID, the following parameters are not required for appending routes:

    • Route Name Field
    • Line Name Field

  • This tool supports the Gas Utility Network Configuration pipeline feature layer as an input event layer if this feature class has been configured for use with an LRS using the Configure Utility Network Feature Class tool.

  • If more than one LRS Network exists in the Gas Utility Network Configuration, the measures for the input event layers will match the measures shown in the right column of the table below.

    If the LRS with the Gas Utility Network Configuration containsThe measures in the PipelineLine feature class belong to

    Line network, nonline network

    Line network

    Line network

    Line network

    More than one line network

    Line network that has the derived network

    More than one line network with no derived network

    Line network that has the lowest number in the coded-value domain, dLRSNetworks

    More than one line network with derived networks

    Line network that has the lowest number in the coded-value domain, dLRSNetworks

    One nonline network

    Nonline network

    More than one nonline network

    Network that has the lowest number in the coded-value domain, dLRSNetworks

  • This tool supports physically gapped routes and events as input routes and input events, respectively.


ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Input Route Features

The target network onto which the event layers will be dynamically segmented.

Feature Layer
Event Layers

The event layers to be dynamically segmented together onto a target network.

Feature Layer
Output Dataset

The table or feature class to be created, containing the output event records.

Include Geometry

Specifies whether the Output Dataset will include event geometry.

  • Unchecked—The Output Dataset will not include event geometry. Event records will be stored as a table. This is the default.
  • Checked—The Output Dataset will include event geometry. Event records will be stored as a feature class.
Network Fields

Fields from the network layer that will be included in the output.



Cas particuliers

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Nécessite ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: Nécessite ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: Nécessite ArcGIS Location Referencing

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