Update Measures From LRS (Location Referencing)

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Disponible avec la licence Location Referencing.


Populates or updates the measures and route ID on Utility Network (UN) features such as pipes, devices, and junctions or on features in other non-UN or non-LRS feature classes.

This tool finds appropriate routes from the LRS Network parameter, gets the measures from that route, and populates or updates the measure and route attributes for the features in the non-LRS feature class.

Remarque :

The ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing Server extension is required to use this tool.


  • The input layer and LRS Network parameter layer must be from an LRS-enabled feature service.

  • The field properties of the Input Features and LRS Network parameters must match.

  • The spatial reference, x,y resolution, and x,y tolerance of the Input Features and LRS Network parameters must match.

  • A text log is written locally that states that the tool was executed and contains the following:

    • Information on any input features that failed validation
    • The route ID and measure values for the updated input features from before and after the update

  • The Input Features must be exactly coincident to the LRS Network features.

    The following diagrams and tables demonstrate how line and point features from the non-LRS Input Features that are coincident to Route1 in the LRS Network will be updated:

    Example of updating route ID measures using a line feature

    Input LayerFeature TypeRoute IDFrom MeasureTo MeasureComments

    Non-LRS input layer





    The line feature's geometry has a geometric match with the LRS network.

    Example of updating route ID measures using a point feature

    Input LayerFeature TypeRoute IDFrom MeasureTo MeasureComments

    Non-LRS input layer




    The point feature is coincident with the route on the LRS Network.

    Example of route ID measures that can't be updated because the line feature is not exactly coincident to the LRS network

    Input LayerFeature TypeRoute IDFrom MeasureTo MeasureComments

    Non-LRS input layer


    The line feature's geometry is not coincident with the input network. No information is returned.


ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
LRS Network

The feature service layer that contains the routes, route IDs, and measures.

Feature Layer
LRS Date

The date used to define the temporal view of the network for collecting the route and measure values.

Input Features

The layer that includes route ID and measure fields that will be updated based on feature geometry relative to routes in the LRS Network parameter.

Feature Layer
Route ID Field

The field in the Input Features layer that contains the route ID value.

Measure Field

The field in the Input Features layer that contains the from measure value for polyline features.

To Measure Field

The field in the Input Features layer that contains the measure value for point features or the to measure value for polyline features.


Sortie obtenue

ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Output Details File

The output log file that lists the updated features in the Input Layer. This log file will include the before and after values for the route ID, from measure, and to measure fields for each updated feature.

Text File
Out Features

The updated feature service layer.

Remarque :

Les résultats de validation de cet outil sont écrits dans le répertoire ArcGIS Server. Par défaut, ce fichier est nettoyé automatiquement au bout de 10 minutes, ce qui risque de ne pas laisser suffisamment de temps pour le traitement de toutes les validations et leur écriture sur le poste de travail exécutant ArcGIS Pro. Pour des charges de données plus importantes, il est recommandé de régler l’âge maximal du fichier sur une heure, au minimum.

Feature Layer


Cet outil n’utilise pas d’environnement de géotraitement.

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Nécessite ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: Nécessite ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: Nécessite ArcGIS Location Referencing

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