Split Features (Topographic Production)


Splits features on input feature classes for any number of polyline or polygon target feature classes using the cutting features and inserts points on the cutting feature.


    Attention :

    Cet outil modifie les données en entrée. Pour plus d’informations et connaître les stratégies permettant d’empêcher les modifications de données indésirables, reportez-vous à la rubrique Outils qui modifient ou mettent à jour les données en entrée.

  • Cutting Features must have at least one feature selected.

  • Target features will be divided into multiple features at any point where they intersect the source features.

  • The Cutting Features will have new vertices added at every point where they intersect the target features.


ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Cutting Features

The cutting feature used to split the target features where they intersect the target feature class geometries.

Feature Layer
Target Features

The features that will be divided by the cutting features.

Feature Layer
Use Target Z Values

Specifies the source of the z-value from the source or target.

  • Checked—Uses the z-value from the source or target.
  • Unchecked—Does not use the z-value. This is the default.

Sortie obtenue

ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Output Features

Features that were divided by the cutting_features.

Feature Layer

arcpy.topographic.SplitFeatures(cutting_features, target_features, use_target_z)
NomExplicationType de données

The cutting feature used to split the target features where they intersect the target feature class geometries.

Feature Layer

The features that will be divided by the cutting features.

Feature Layer

Specifies the source of the z-value from the source or target.

  • USE_TARGET_ZUses the z-value from the source or target.
  • DONT_USE_TARGET_ZDoes not use the z-value. This is the default.

Sortie obtenue

NomExplicationType de données

Features that were divided by the cutting_features.

Feature Layer

Exemple de code

SplitFeatures example 1 (stand-alone script)

This script demonstrates how to use the SplitFeatures tool to split single target features based on the cutting features.

# Name: SplitFeatures_sample1.py
# Description: Splits a single target features based on the cutting features

# Import System Modules
import arcpy

# Check Out Extensions

# Setting Local Variables
cutting_features = r'C:\Temp\MapIndex.gdb\Index_Polygons'
target_features = r'C:\Temp\Test.gdb\Builtup_Area_Polygons;C:\Temp\Test.gdb\Vegetation_Polygons'

# Setting selection on cutting features
selected_feature = arcpy.management.MakeFeatureLayer(cutting_features, 'AOI').getOutput(0)
arcpy.management.SelectLayerByAttribute(selected_feature, 'NEW_SELECTION', "PRODUCT_ID = 'V795X16573'")

# Splitting features based on the selected cutting feature
arcpy.topographic.SplitFeatures(cutting_features, target_features, 'DONT_USE_TARGET_Z')

# Check In Extensions
SplitFeatures example 2 (stand-alone script)

This script demonstrates how to use the SplitFeatures tool to split all feature classes in a geodatabase on the cutting features.

# Name: SplitFeatures_sample2.py
# Description: Gets all feature classes in a geodatabase and splits them on the selected cutting feature

# Import System Modules
import arcpy
import os

# Check Out Extensions

# Setting Local Variables
cutting_features = r'C:\Temp\MapIndex.gdb\Index_Polygons'
target_database = r'C:\Temp\Test.gdb'

# Getting feature classes from the target geodatabase that are managed in a feature dataset
target_features = r''
arcpy.env.workspace = target_database
datasets = arcpy.ListDatasets('*', 'Feature')
for dataset in datasets:
    fclasses = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses('*', '', dataset)
    for fclass in fclasses:
        desc = arcpy.Describe(fclass)
        if desc.shapeType in ('Polygon', 'Polyline'):
            target_features += os.path.join(target_database, dataset, fclass) + ';'
target_features = target_features[:-1]

# Setting selection on cutting features
selected_feature = arcpy.management.MakeFeatureLayer(cutting_features, 'AOI').getOutput(0)
arcpy.management.SelectLayerByAttribute(selected_feature, 'NEW_SELECTION', "PRODUCT_ID = 'V795X16573'")

# Splitting all features in a database based on the selected cutting feature
arcpy.topographic.SplitFeatures(selected_feature, target_features, 'DONT_USE_TARGET_Z')

# Check In Extensions


Cet outil n’utilise pas d’environnement de géotraitement.

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Non
  • Standard: Nécessite Production Mapping
  • Advanced: Nécessite Production Mapping

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