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Adds an informative message (severity of 0) to the messages of a script tool or Python toolbox tool.

When a tool is run, an informative message can be accessed from the Geoprocessing pane, the geoprocessing history, and the list of messages when a tool is called from Python.


AddMessage (message)
ParamètreExplicationType de données

The informative message.


Exemple de code

AddMessage example

Add an informative message to a Python script tool.

import arcpy

fc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)

# Get the count from GetCount's Result object
feature_count = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(fc).getOutput(0))

if feature_count == 0:
    arcpy.AddError("{0} has no features.".format(fc))
    arcpy.AddMessage("{0} has {1} features.".format(fc, feature_count))

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