Modify maritime display properties

Disponible avec une licence ArcGIS Maritime.

The Maritime Display Properties tool allows you to customize a Maritime Chart Service Map Server or Web Map Service (WMS) layer in a map with more than 35 display settings. The properties are grouped into the following categories: depth contours, depth information, data extents, display options, symbology, date dependency, display text, and advanced options such as optional deep soundings and dataset display range.

The Maritime Display Properties tool is on the Maritime Chart Service tab, which appears when you select a Maritime Chart Service layer in the Contents pane.

Complete the following steps to modify the display properties of a Maritime Chart Service layer:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Open a new or an existing project.
  3. Add a Maritime Chart Service layer to the Contents pane, if necessary.
  4. Choose the Maritime Chart Service layer to modify in the Contents pane.
    Remarque :

    If multiple Maritime Chart Service layers are available in the Contents pane, choose one layer at a time to change the Maritime Display Properties settings for each one.

    The Maritime Chart Service tab appears.

  5. On the Maritime Chart Service tab, in the Maritime Chart Service group, click Display Properties.
    Conseil :

    The Explore tool is also on the Maritime Chart Service tab. Use this tool to identify features in a Maritime Chart Service layer.

    Learn more about navigation methods

    The Maritime Display Properties pane appears with the title of the selected layer.

    Maritime Display Properties pane with the name of the selected layer

    The Maritime Display Properties pane first populates using the selected Maritime Chart Service layer's default values from the service. These default values are stored in the Custom Parameters settings in the Layer Properties pane and are used the next time the Maritime Display Properties pane is accessed.

    Custom parameters in the Layer Properties pane
  6. Do one of the following to edit the display properties:
    • Change one or more properties, and click Apply.
    • Check the Auto Apply check box to automatically send a new request to the map service for each change.
    Remarque :

    Changes to properties do not take effect until you click Apply. To undo changes made in the Maritime Display Properties pane that have not yet been applied, click Cancel to restore the default property values derived from the feature service.

Each change applied to the display properties of a maritime layer is stored in the Custom Parameters settings in the Layer Properties pane. These settings are saved with the project and used to populate the Maritime Display Properties pane when the project is opened again.