An overview of neighborhood classes

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Archive de l’aide

Disponible avec une licence Spatial Analyst.

Disponible avec une licence Image Analyst.

There are six neighborhood classes, each of which defines a different shape or area. When a neighborhood object is defined, only the cells that have their cell centers contained within the neighborhood are actually considered to be part of the neighborhood. All tools that can take a neighborhood object do so as an optional parameter. If you do not define a neighborhood object, a default neighborhood is used.


Defines an annulus neighborhood which is created by specifying an inner and outer circles' radii in either map units or number of cells.


Defines a circle neighborhood which is created by specifying the radius in either map units or number of cells.


Defines an irregular neighborhood which is created by a kernel file.


Defines a rectangle neighborhood which is created by specifying the height and the width in either map units or number of cells.


Defines a wedge neighborhood which is created by specifying a radius and two angles in either map units or number of cells.


Defines a weight neighborhood which is created using a kernel file specifying the values to multiply the cell by that are within the neighborhood.

The following tools use neighborhood objects:

Remarque :

The Point Statistics and Point Density tools only use the NbrAnnulus, NbrCircle, NbrRectangle, and NbrWedge objects. They do not use the NbrIrregular or NbrWeight objects.

Licence :

The neighborhood classes can also be used if you have an Image Analyst extension license, but only for the Focal Statistics tool.

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