Replace colors in a style

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Archive de l’aide

Disponible avec une licence Defense Mapping.

Disponible avec une licence Production Mapping.

You can replace the colors in a style from the catalog view using the Replace Colors tool. This tool includes specification-driven color changes, in which updates are applied to all colors in a map product.

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You can display a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used to open the Replace Colors tool for a map by expanding Catalog > View in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box. Shortcuts are listed in alphabetical order.

Complete the following steps to access and update the colors in a style:

  1. Open an ArcGIS Pro project that contains the style with the colors you want to replace.
  2. On the ribbon, click the View tab.
  3. In the Windows group, click Catalog View Vue Catalogue.

    The catalog view appears.

  4. In the catalog view, double-click the Styles folder.

    The styles in the Styles folder appear in the catalog view and the Manage contextual tab appears on the ribbon.

  5. In the catalog view, choose the style that you want to update.
  6. Click the Manage contextual tab and click Replace Colors Remplacer les couleurs.

    The Replace Colors dialog box appears with the style you chose in the Item drop-down list.

    Conseil :

    Click the Item drop-down arrow to choose a different style.

  7. Click Load Colors.

    The style's colors appear in the Replace colors section. The style's current colors appear in both the Current Color column and the Target Color column. The current colors and the target colors are the same unless you change them.

  8. Update the colors by doing any of the following:
    • Click the target color's drop-down arrow and choose a different color from the ArcGIS Colors palette.
    • Click Add color Ajouter une couleur in the Replace colors section to add a new row of colors.
    • Choose a color in the Replace colors section and click Remove colors Supprimer les couleurs to delete the color or colors. Press the Ctrl key while clicking colors to choose multiple colors individually, or click the first color, and press the Shift key while clicking the final color to specify a range.
    • Click Load colors from color mapping file Charger les couleurs à partir du fichier d’appariement des couleurs in the Replace colors section to open a color mapping file (.ccrx).
    Conseil :

    Click Save colors to color mapping file Enregistrer les couleurs dans le fichier d’appariement des couleurs to export the colors to a .ccrx file that can be reused across maps, layouts, and styles.

  9. Choose one of the following to apply the color updates:
    • Choose Update existing and click OK to apply the updates to the current style.
    • Choose Create new, provide a name for the style in the text box, and click OK to apply the color updates to the new style.

The style colors are updated. If a new style was created, it is saved to the Styles folder.