Generate Changeover Points (Aviation)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Archive de l’aide

Disponible avec une licence Aviation Charting.


Creates changeover points along routes.

This tool creates changeover point features, deriving the point's location from a changeover distance provided on the input features. It also calculates secondary attributes on the target changeover point features that support symbology and labeling on a chart.


  • The Target Changeover Point Features parameter value must contain the following attributes: DISTANCE1_VAL (Double), DISTANCE2_VAL (Double), CARTOANGLE_VAL (Double), and ATSROUTE_ID (GUID).

  • Specify a Distance Source Type parameter value that is appropriate for the data. The changeover distance for a route is often stored on the Input ATS Route Features parameter value but can be stored on the Target Changeover Point Features parameter value in some cases. This parameter identifies the input that contains the changeover distance value.

    • Choose the Route option for the Distance Source Type parameter if changeover distances are stored on a route segment feature in the ATSRoute or other line feature class. In this case, the changeover distance must be stored in an attribute named COPDIST_VAL (Double). The tool inserts new changeover points into the target point layer or updates existing changeover point features.
    • Choose the Point option for the Distance Source Type parameter if changeover distances are stored on a changeover point feature in the target point later. In this case, the changeover distance must be stored in an attribute named DISTANCE1_VAL (Double), and an attribute named ATSROUTE_ID (GUID) must be populated with the GFID value of the corresponding route feature. The tool updates the geometry and attributes of the changeover point features accordingly.


ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Input ATS Route Features

The input feature class of routes on which changeover points are based. It must contain polyline features.

Feature Layer
Target Changeover Point Features

The point feature class that contains the changeover points. After running the tool, new changeover points are added and existing changeover points are updated.

Feature Layer
Distance Source Type

Specifies the source of the changeover distance value.

  • RouteThe changeover distances are stored in the source line layer.
  • PointThe changeover distances are stored in the target point layer.

Sortie obtenue

ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Updated Point Features

The output features for changeover points.

Feature Layer

arcpy.aviation.GenerateChangeoverPoints(in_features, target_changeover_features, distance_source_type)
NomExplicationType de données

The input feature class of routes on which changeover points are based. It must contain polyline features.

Feature Layer

The point feature class that contains the changeover points. After running the tool, new changeover points are added and existing changeover points are updated.

Feature Layer

Specifies the source of the changeover distance value.

  • ROUTEThe changeover distances are stored in the source line layer.
  • POINTThe changeover distances are stored in the target point layer.

Sortie obtenue

NomExplicationType de données

The output features for changeover points.

Feature Layer

Exemple de code

GenerateChangeoverPoints example (stand-alone script)

The following script demonstrates how to use the GenerateChangeoverPoints function.

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Check out extensions

# Set local variables
in_features = r"C:\data\AIS.gdb\ATSRoutes"
target_changeover_features = r"C:\data\AIS.gdb\ChangeOver"
distance_source = 'ROUTE'

# Call the GenerateChangeoverPoints tool 
arcpy.aviation.GenerateChangeoverPoints(in_features, target_changeover_features,\

# Check in extensions


Cet outil n’utilise pas d’environnement de géotraitement.

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Non
  • Standard: Nécessite ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: Nécessite ArcGIS Aviation Charting

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