Add the Meter Reference Guide

Defense Mapping ライセンスで利用できます。

The Meter Reference Guide element provides a set of instructions and examples that enable you to compose standard grid references. It also contains diagrams for identifying the grid zone and grid square designations in the map sheet. The meter reference guide properties update based on the associated data frame's coordinate system.

Meter Reference Guide element


If a grid mask feature class (MSK_<grid_name>) is in the layout view, the Meter Reference Guide element prevents the display of 100,000 M. Square Identification coordinates beyond the area the mask surrounds.

If the map extent appears coincident with an MGRS 100,000 M. square boundary, the Meter Reference Guide element displays the 100,000 M. Square Identification coordinates on both sides of the boundary.

Insert a Meter Reference Guide

The Meter Reference Guide can be inserted on any map layout. There are three different types designed to accommodate the ICM, JOG, and TM map specifications.

  1. Verify that the map is in layout view.

    If you don't have a layout set up for your project, see Add a layout to your project.

  2. Click the Insert tab.
  3. Click Additional Surrounds and choose a Meter Reference Guide in the Topographic group.

    The Meter Reference Guide is added to the layout.

Modify the Meter Reference Guide

You can modify the properties and appearance of the Meter Reference Guide using the Format tab and the Format Meter Reference Guide pane. The following properties are available for the Meter Reference Guide and can be accessed from the Format tab or the Options tab in the Format Meter Reference Guide pane:

  • Name—The name of the Meter Reference Guide element. The name of the element appears in the Contents pane and must be unique.
  • Visible—Determines if the Meter Reference Guide is visible. The default is visible.
  • Locked—Locks the element so that changes cannot not be made. The default is unlocked.
  • Map Frame—Specifies the map frame the element is associated with and where it gets the grid information.
  • Type—Changes between the available Meter Reference Guides.
  • Color—Changes the color of the element.