GA Layer 3D To Multidimensional Raster (Geostatistical Analyst)

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Geostatistical Analyst のライセンスで利用可能。


Exports a 3D geostatistical layer created using the Empirical Bayesian Kriging 3D tool to a multidimensional Cloud Raster Format (*.crf file) raster dataset. Tools in the Multidimensional Analysis toolset of the Image Analyst toolbox are designed to work directly on multidimensional rasters and can identify the 3D nature of the data.

3D geostatistical layers store continuous 3D interpolation results and appear as 2D horizontal slices at a given elevation. The current elevation can be changed with the range slider, and the layer will calculate and render the predicted values of the new elevation. Rasters of interpolated predictions can be extracted at any elevation using the GA Layer To Rasters tool. The GA Layer 3D To Multidimensional Raster tool automates the process of extracting rasters at multiple elevations and stores them as a multidimensional raster dataset.


  • The Input 3D geostatistical layer must be created using Empirical Bayesian Kriging 3D.

  • You can provide the desired elevations in either of the following ways:

    • Provide elevation values using an iterator—Leave the Enter explicit elevation values parameter unchecked, and provide values to the Minimum elevation, Maximum elevation, and Elevation interval parameters. The iteration will start at the minimum and increase by the interval up to the maximum. For example, if you provide a minimum elevation of 0, a maximum of 100, and an interval of 20, the output will have six elevations: 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100.
    • Provide explicit elevation values—Check the Enter explicit elevation values parameter, and provide the desired elevations in the Elevation values parameter.
    The Elevation units parameter specifies the unit of every elevation value.

  • If the Elevation interval provided does not evenly divide the elevation range (Maximum elevation minus Minimum elevation), one elevation will be used that exceeds the maximum elevation. For example, if you provide a minimum elevation of 10, a maximum elevation of 80, and an elevation interval of 20, the output will have five elevations: 10, 30, 50, 70, and 90.

  • The default raster cell size of the Output multidimensional raster dataset parameter is the smaller of the output extent of the x and y dimensions, divided by 100. The default number of elevation slices is 10. This will create a multidimensional raster with an x and y resolution that is at least 10 times larger than the z-resolution. Consideration should be given to these values, particularly if you want approximately the same resolution in all three dimensions. Increasing the cell size or increasing the number of elevation slices will result in outputs that are closer to the same resolution in all dimensions.

  • The execution time of the tool is approximately proportional to the number of overall predictions that are required, and each raster cell of each elevation requires the calculation of a predicted value. By default, the execution time of the tool is approximately 60 percent longer than exporting a single elevation slice using the default options of the GA Layer To Rasters tool. Including Additional output types will not significantly increase the execution time because multiple output types can be predicted simultaneously.

  • If any Additional output types are provided, the output raster will be a multivariate multidimensional raster dataset with a different variable for each output type.

  • All tools in the Multidimensional Analysis toolset of the Image Analyst toolbox will have increased performance if transposes are built on the multidimensional raster. You can use the Build multidimensional transpose parameter to build them automatically, but this will increase the execution time of the tool. You can also use the Build Multidimensional Transpose tool to build transposes later.

構文, out_multidimensional_raster, {cell_size}, {explicit_only}, {min_elev}, {max_elev}, {elev_interval}, {elev_values}, {elev_units}, {output_type}, {quantile_probability_value}, {additional_outputs}, {build_transpose})
パラメーター説明データ タイプ

The 3D geostatistical layer representing the model to be exported to a multivariate raster dataset.

Geostatistical Layer

The output raster dataset containing the results of exporting the geostatistical model. The output must be saved as a Cloud Raster Format file (*.crf).

Raster Dataset

The cell size of the output multidimensional raster.

Analysis Cell Size

Specifies whether elevations will be provided as an explicit list or an iterator will be used.

  • EXPLICIT_VALUESElevation values will be provided as a list.
  • NO_EXPLICIT_VALUESElevation values will be provided using an iterator. This is the default.

The minimum elevation that will be used to start the iteration.


The maximum elevation that will be used to stop the iteration.


The increment that the elevation will increase with each iteration.


The elevation values to export.


Specifies the measurement unit of the elevation values.

  • INCHElevation values are in inches.
  • FOOTElevation values are in feet.
  • YARDElevation values are in yards.
  • MILE_USElevation values are in U.S. miles.
  • NAUTICAL_MILEElevation values are in nautical miles.
  • MILLIMETERElevation values are in millimeters.
  • CENTIMETERElevation values are in centimeters.
  • DECIMETERElevation values are in decimeters.
  • METERElevation values are in meters.
  • KILOMETERElevation values are in kilometers.

Specifies the primary output type of the output multidimensional raster. The Additional output types parameter can be used to specify additional variables in the output multidimensional raster.

For more information, see What output surface types can the interpolation models generate?

  • PREDICTIONA multidimensional raster of predicted values. This is the default.
  • PREDICTION_STANDARD_ERRORA multidimensional raster of standard errors of prediction.
  • PROBABILITYA multidimensional raster predicting the probability that a threshold is exceeded.
  • QUANTILEA multidimensional raster predicting the quantile of the predicted value.

If Output type is set to Quantile, use this parameter to enter the requested quantile. If Output type is set to Probability, use this parameter to enter the requested threshold value, and the probability that the threshold is exceeded will be calculated. Subtract this value from one to get the probability that the threshold is not exceeded.

[[output_type, quantile_probability_value],...]

Specifies the output type and quantile or probability value for each additional output type. If multiple output types are provided, the output raster will be a multivariate raster dataset with a different variable for each output type.

For more information, see What output surface types can the interpolation models generate?

Value Table

Specifies whether multidimensional transposes will be built on the output multidimensional raster.

  • BUILD_TRANSPOSEMultidimensional transposes will be built on the output multidimensional raster.
  • DO_NOT_BUILD_TRANSPOSEMultidimensional transposes will not be built on the output multidimensional raster. This is the default.


GALayer3DToMultivariateRaster example 1 (Python window)

Interpolate 3D points and convert the output to a multivariate raster.

import arcpy"my3DLayer", "Shape.Z", "myValueField", "my3DGALayer")"my3DGALayer", r"C:\\gapydata\\outputMDRD.crf", 1000,
                                       "NO_EXPLICIT_VALUES", 0, 500, 50, "","METERS",
                                       "PREDICTION", "", [["PREDICTION_STANDARD_ERROR",""]],
GALayer3DToMultivariateRaster example 2 (stand-alone script)

Interpolate 3D points and convert the output to a multivariate raster with multiple output types and transposes.

# Name:
# Description: Interpolates 3D points and exports to a multidimensional raster dataset.
# Requirements: Geostatistical Analyst Extension
# Author: Esri

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Set local variables
in3DPoints = "C:/gapyexamples/input/my3DPoints.shp"
elevationField = "Shape.Z"
valueField = "myValueField"
outGALayer = "myGALayer"

# Check out the ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst extension license

# Execute Empirical Bayesian Kriging 3D, elevationField, valueField, outGALayer)

# Export predictions and standard errors to multidimensional raster with tranposes.

# Set up variables
outMDRaster = r"C:\\gapydata\\outputMDRD.crf"
explicitVals = "NO_EXPLICIT_VALUES"
cell_size = 1000
min_elev = 0
max_elev = 500
elev_interval = 50
elev_list = ""
elev_units = "METERS"
out_type = "PREDICTION"
quan_value = ""
add_outputs = [["PREDICTION_STANDARD_ERROR",""]]
transpose = "BUILD_TRANSPOSE"

# Additionally output prediction standard errors., outMDRaster, cell_size, explicitVals,
                                       min_elev, max_elev, elev_interval, elev_list,
                                       elev_units, out_type, quan_value, add_outputs,


  • Basic: 次のものが必要 Geostatistical Analyst
  • Standard: 次のものが必要 Geostatistical Analyst
  • Advanced: 次のものが必要 Geostatistical Analyst
