Event behavior

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Location Referencing ライセンスで利用可能です。

Events are located along a route in a linear referencing system (LRS). Changes in the route due to route editing activities such as extend, realign, reassign, retire, reverse, cartographic realignment, and calibration have a direct impact on how events are located and how they are rendered on a map. Behavior changes with measure or geographic location, or both, on one or more events due to route editing is called event behavior.

ArcGIS Roads and Highways keeps event measures and geographic location (x,y) in alignment with route edits. You can configure event behavior rules for an individual event layer to define how event measures and shapes are updated for each type of route edit.

In the following example, a portion of Route1 is retired. This edit activity affects Event1 according to the event layer's configured event behavior.


Events must be updated after route editing using the Apply Event Behaviors tool.

Before retirement

After the route is retired, the events are updated using event behavior rules, which are set at the event layer level.

After retirement

Types of event behavior rules

When an LRS route is edited, behavior rules are applied to the events. By configuring event behavior rules at the layer level, you can choose how the event responds when the route changes: preserve location, preserve measure, or maintain referent location.

Location Referencing supports the following event behaviors:

Event behavior ruleDescription

Stay Put

Preserves the geographic location of the event; measures can change.


Preserves the measure or measures of the event; geographic location can change.


Preserves both measure and geographic location; event is retired.


Preserves the location of an event by snapping the event to a reassigned or abandoned route; measure or measures can change.


Changes both measure and geographic location to make the event go across the entire route.

Honor Route Measure

Preserves the measure of the event or changes the measure proportionally to the route measure change.

Honor Referent Location

Changes both measure and geographic location to maintain the referent location of the event using a persistent offset value.

To understand how LRS events get updated due to the route edit type for each event behavior rule, refer to:

Configuration of event behavior rules

Default event behavior is configured during the event registration process when using either the Create LRS Event or Create LRS Event From Existing Dataset tool.

The following event behavior rules are set by default:


Calibrate Route

Stay Put

Retire Route

Stay Put

Extend Route

Stay Put

Reassign Route

Stay Put

Realign Route

Stay Put

Reverse Route

Stay Put

Carto Realign Route

Honor Route Measure

[イベントの振舞いルールの変更 (Modify Event Behavior Rules)] ツールを使用して、LRS ネットワークでのルートのキャリブレーションルートの廃止ルートの延長ルートの再割り当てルートの再配置、およびルートの反転のデフォルト動作を変更できます。


下流部分の再キャリブレーションが選択されている LRS ルートの編集では、構成されたキャリブレーション イベントの振舞いが下流セクションに適用されます。 構成されたイベントの振舞いは、LRS イベント プロパティを表示することで確認できます。

Application of event behavior

To apply event behaviors after route edits, execute the Apply Event Behaviors tool for the route network. This tool processes event behaviors for all event feature classes registered to the route network.

The Apply Event Behaviors tool does not need to run after each route edit activity. You can schedule it to run based on your business requirements. It only processes event behaviors for those routes that have been edited but not yet processed.