# Name: BufferZones.py
# Purpose: Simplify features using the Generalize tool and then Buffer them
# Import script modules
import arcpy
# Set the workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data/data.gdb"
# Set local parameters
inFeatures = "zones"
gTolerance = "4 Feet"
copFeatures = "zones_cp"
bufDist = "50 Miles"
bufOutput = "zones_buff"
# Since Generalize permanently updates the input, first make a copy of the
# original feature class
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management (inFeatures, copFeatures)
# Use the Generalize tool to simplify the Buffer input to shorten Buffer
# processing time
arcpy.Generalize_edit(copFeatures, gTolerance)
# Buffer the output
arcpy.Buffer_analysis(copFeatures, bufOutput, bufDist)