
この ArcGIS 3.1 ドキュメントはアーカイブされており、今後更新されません。 コンテンツとリンクが古い場合があります。 最新のドキュメントをご参照ください


Returns a list of datasets in the current workspace. Search conditions can be specified for the dataset name and dataset type to limit the list that is returned.


The workspace environment must be set before using several of the list functions, including ListDatasets, ListFeatureClasses, ListFiles, ListRasters, ListTables, and ListWorkspaces.


ListDatasets ({wild_card}, {feature_type})
パラメーター説明データ タイプ

Limits the results returned. If a value is not specified, all values are returned. The wildcard is not case sensitive.



Represents zero or more characters.

Te* finds Tennessee and Texas.


The type of dataset that will be returned.

  • CoverageCoverages will be returned.
  • FeatureCoverages or geodatabase datasets will be returned, depending on the workspace.
  • GeometricNetworkGeometric network datasets will be returned.
  • LasDatasetLAS datasets will be returned.
  • MosaicMosaic datasets will be returned.
  • NetworkNetwork datasets will be returned.
  • ParcelFabricParcel fabric datasets will be returned.
  • ParcelFabricForArcmapArcMap parcel fabric datasets will be returned.
  • RasterRaster datasets will be returned.
  • RasterCatalogRaster catalog datasets will be returned.
  • TerrainTerrain datasets will be returned.
  • TinTIN datasets will be returned.
  • TopologyTopology datasets will be returned.
  • TraceNetworkTrace network datasets will be returned.
  • UtilityNetworkUtility network datasets will be returned.
  • AllAll datasets in the workspace will be returned.

(デフォルト値は次のとおりです All)

データ タイプ説明

A list containing dataset names returned from the function, limited by the wildcard and feature type arguments.


ListDatasets example

List feature dataset names that start with C.

import arcpy

arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/data"

# Print to the Interactive window all the feature datasets in the
#   workspace that start with the letter C.
datasets = arcpy.ListDatasets("C*", "Feature")

for dataset in datasets:
ListDatasets example 2

List feature dataset names that start with c or f, start with letters except c, or contain both c and f.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = 'c:/data'

# Print to the interactive window all the feature datasets in the
#   workspaces that start with the letter c or f.
datasets1 = list(set(arcpy.ListDatasets("c*", "Feature")) |
                 set(arcpy.ListDatasets("f*", "Feature")))

#   workspaces that start with the letters except c
datasets2 = list(set(arcpy.ListDatasets("*", "Feature")) -
                 set(arcpy.ListDatasets("c*", "Feature")))

#   workspaces that contain both the letter c and f
datasets3 = list(set(arcpy.ListDatasets("*c*", "Feature")) &
                 set(arcpy.ListDatasets("*f*", "Feature")))
ListDatasets example 3

List trace network datasets using the feature_type keyword argument.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = 'c:/data/myGDB.gdb/TN_dataset'

# Print to the interactive window all the trace networks in the 
# workspace using the feature type keyword.
datasets = arcpy.ListDatasets(feature_type="tracenetwork")

for dataset in datasets:
