Unified Facilities Criteria (Aviation)

Aviation Airports ライセンスで利用できます。

Aviation Charting ライセンスで利用できます。


Creates obstruction identification surfaces (OIS) based on the Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-260-01 that is prescribed by MIL-STD 3007. These surfaces provide planning, design, construction, sustainment, restoration, and modernization criteria for the United States Department of Defense. Surfaces are created as polygon or multipatch features.


  • [入力滑走路フィーチャ] パラメーターは、Z 対応である必要があります。

  • The tool creates UFC surfaces in an existing polygon or a multipatch feature class. If a feature class is selected for Target OIS Features, it must have a vertical spatial reference.

  • The size of the surfaces depends on the Wing Type, Service Type, Runway Class, and Flight Rule parameter values.

  • To create a .json file for the Custom JSON File parameter, use the CustomizeOIS.exe utility included in the Aviation Airports Product Data download available from My Esri.

  • The clear zone surface is attached to the primary surface for this tool. It is used to specify the areas on the ground, located at the ends of the runway. To change the Clear Zone Surface measurement value, use the CustomizeOIS.exe utility included in the Aviation Airports Product data files download available from My Esri.

  • The Airport Elevation parameter has a default value of 0. If you use an elevation value greater than 0, it takes precedence and overrides any existing airport elevation value read from the Input Airport Control Point Feature parameter.

  • The Input Airport Control Point Feature parameter can be used to supply x-, y-, and z-geometry for the Airport Elevation parameter, displaced threshold point features, or both. If displaced threshold points are included, surfaces will be constructed based on their x-, y-, and z-geometry instead of their corresponding Input Runway Feature parameter endpoint.

  • OIS tools are flexible and accept a variety of input and output feature class types. For more information, see the OIS Input and Output schemas.

  • The horizontal surface generated by this tool will be continuous across the multipatch feature.


    In ArcGIS Pro 2.6.x and earlier versions, the horizontal surface generated by this tool will be cut by the transitional or approach surfaces.


ラベル説明データ タイプ
Input Runway Features

The input runway dataset. The feature class must be z-enabled and contain polylines.

Feature Layer
Target OIS Features

The existing output feature class that will contain the generated UFC surfaces.

Feature Layer
Wing Type

Specifies the wing type of the aircraft.

If you specify Rotary, the Runway Class parameter will default to the Class A option without affecting the surface generation.

  • FixedThe wing type is fixed.
  • RotaryThe wing type is rotary.
Service Type

Specifies the type of military service.

  • Air ForceThe service type is Air Force.
  • ArmyThe service type is Army.
  • NavyThe service type is Navy.
  • Marine CorpsThe service type is Marine Corps.
Runway Class

Specifies the runway class. Runways are classified as either Class A or Class B based on aircraft type.

  • Class AThe runway classification is Class A.
  • Class BThe runway classification is Class B.
Flight Rule

Specifies the flight rule. These are the rules that govern the procedures for conducting flight, either instrument or under visual conditions.

  • InstrumentThe flight rule is instrument flight condition.
  • VisualThe flight rule is visual flight condition.
Length of High Runway End Clearway

The length of the area at the high end of the runway. The unit of measurement is based on the input runway features.

Length of Low Runway End Clearway

The length of the area at the low end of the runway. The unit of measurement is based on the input runway features.

Airport Elevation

The highest elevation on any of the runways of the airport. Provide the value in the vertical coordinate system linear units of the target feature class. If no value is provided, the highest point of the Input Runway Features parameter value will be used.

Custom JSON File

The import configuration, in JSON format, that will be used to create the custom OIS.

Input Airport Control Point Feature

The point features containing an Airport Elevation feature, displaced threshold features, or both. Values provided for the Airport Elevation parameter will take precedence over these point features.

Feature Layer


ラベル説明データ タイプ
Output OIS Features

The updated feature class containing the generated obstruction identification surfaces.

Feature Layer

arcpy.aviation.UnifiedFacilitiesCriteria(in_runway_features, target_ois_features, in_wing_type, in_service_type, in_runway_class, in_flight_rule, {highend_clear_way_length}, {lowend_clear_way_length}, {airport_elevation}, {custom_json_file}, {airport_control_point_feature_class})
名前説明データ タイプ

The input runway dataset. The feature class must be z-enabled and contain polylines.

Feature Layer

The existing output feature class that will contain the generated UFC surfaces.

Feature Layer

Specifies the wing type of the aircraft.

  • FIXEDThe wing type is fixed.
  • ROTARYThe wing type is rotary.

If you specify ROTARY, the in_runway_class parameter will default to the CLASS_A option without affecting the surface generation.


Specifies the type of military service.

  • AIRFORCEThe service type is Air Force.
  • ARMYThe service type is Army.
  • NAVYThe service type is Navy.
  • MARINECORPSThe service type is Marine Corps.

Specifies the runway class. Runways are classified as either Class A or Class B based on aircraft type.

  • CLASS_AThe runway classification is Class A.
  • CLASS_BThe runway classification is Class B.

Specifies the flight rule. These are the rules that govern the procedures for conducting flight, either instrument or under visual conditions.

  • INSTRUMENTThe flight rule is instrument flight condition.
  • VISUALThe flight rule is visual flight condition.

The length of the area at the high end of the runway. The unit of measurement is based on the input runway features.


The length of the area at the low end of the runway. The unit of measurement is based on the input runway features.


The highest elevation on any of the runways of the airport. Provide the value in the vertical coordinate system linear units of the target feature class. If no value is provided, the highest point of the Input Runway Features parameter value will be used.


The import configuration, in JSON format, that will be used to create the custom OIS.


The point features containing an Airport Elevation feature, displaced threshold features, or both. Values provided for the Airport Elevation parameter will take precedence over these point features.

Feature Layer


名前説明データ タイプ

The updated feature class containing the generated obstruction identification surfaces.

Feature Layer


UnifiedFacilitiesCriteria example 1 (stand-alone script)

The following Python script demonstrates how to use the UnifiedFacilitiesCriteria function.

import arcpy

# set gp environment

# Input Runway Feature Class
inFeatures = r"C:\data\ois.gdb\RunwayCenterline"

# Feature class that will contain the OIS surface
outFeatures = r"C:\data\ois.gdb\ObstructionIdSurface"

# Generate UFC OIS
arcpy.aviation.UnifiedFacilitiesCriteria(inFeatures, outFeatures, 'FIXED',
                                         'AIRFORCE', 'CLASS_A', 'INSTRUMENT')

UnifiedFacilitiesCriteria example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following Python script demonstrates how to use the UnifiedFacilitiesCriteria function with the airport_control_point_feature_class parameter.

import arcpy

# set gp environment

# Input Runway Feature Class
inFeatures = r"C:\data\ois.gdb\RunwayCenterline"

# Feature class that will contain the OIS surface
outFeatures = r"C:\data\ois.gdb\ObstructionIdSurface"

customJSON = r"C:\data\customOIS.json"

# Feature class that will contain the Airport Elevation feature
inACPFeatures= r"C:\data\ois.gdb\AirportControlPoint"

# Generate UFC OIS
arcpy.aviation.UnifiedFacilitiesCriteria(inFeatures, outFeatures, 'FIXED',
                                         'AIRFORCE', 'CLASS_A', 'INSTRUMENT', 0, 0, 0, 
                                         customJSON, inACPFeatures)



  • Basic: No
  • Standard: 次のものが必要 Airports or ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: 次のものが必要 Airports or ArcGIS Aviation Charting
