Sharing your work overview

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Доступно с лицензией Business Analyst.

Business Analyst uses the ArcGIS Pro platform to help you share with collaborators through ArcGIS Online or your organization’s portal. In this way, you and your colleagues can share your work and use your own shared datasets. The Data Browser window allows you to add data directly from ArcGIS Online or organization portals as well as your locally installed Business Analyst data or third-party data sources.

An important part of sharing for Business Analyst users is making your results accessible to others in your organization. You can share layers, infographics, or web maps, as well as package findings for stakeholders, to tell a story.

The following are some common ways to share results:

  • Share layers with your ArcGIS Online organization and ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App users.
  • Use Custom Data Setup in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App to further analyze shared layers.
  • Create interactive web applications with Web AppBuilder or Experience Builder.
  • Run Target Marketing or Territory Design reports.

Start learning about how you can share Business Analyst workflows with your collaborators.

Share with collaborators

As a Business Analyst user, you have access to all of the core ArcGIS capabilities to share your work, such as web layers and maps, project packages, or specific items such as tasks.


Tasks are a good way to define repetitive workflows and share with collaborators for consistent analysis across your organization.

Specific to Business Analyst, you can share items like Statistical Data Collections, Territory Design solutions, and variable lists with collaborators in your organization. You can navigate through the Data Browser window to not only locally installed data but to any data stored in ArcGIS Online or a dedicated portal to which your organization has access.

Share results with stakeholders

Many organizations have a few Business Analyst users and many other ArcGIS users who consume the results of the work produced. Business Analyst users can share results as web layers to the broader organization for consumption and interaction in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App or products such as Story Maps, Experience Builder, or Dashboards.

Business Analyst includes capabilities to generate summary reports for sites or areas of your analysis. As of the December 2020 release, you can create infographic-style reports that are also available in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App directly from Business Analyst.

Более подробно:

Read the short technical article Batch Infographics with ArcGIS Pro to get the USA 2020 data patch from your My Esri account to start generating infographics.

Help topics in this section

Sharing a Statistical Data Collection—Information about sharing custom data as Statistical Data Collections

Territory Design—Learn how to share a Territory Design solution as a web layer.

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