Change Detection Wizard

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Доступно с лицензией Image Analyst.

Change detection is a fundamental requirement of remote sensing and raster processing. It is the process of comparing multiple rasters or images captured for one location at multiple times to identify pixels that have changed due to long-term, seasonal, or abrupt changes. ArcGIS Pro allows you to compare rasters and identify the magnitude and type of change using tools and raster functions available with the Image Analyst extension.

The Change Detection Wizard combines tools and functions to guide you through three possible change detection workflows:

  • Categorical change—Identify the type of change that has occurred between two thematic or categorical rasters, such as land cover. You can save your final output as a raster dataset, a polygon feature class, or a raster function template.
  • Pixel value change—Calculate the difference in pixel values between two continuous rasters, such as temperature rasters or multiband imagery. You can save your final output as a raster dataset, a polygon feature class, or a raster function template.
  • Time series change—Identify the date of change in a time series of images using either the Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) method or the Landsat-based Detection of Trends in Disturbance and Recovery (LandTrendr) method. You can extract the date of earliest, latest, or largest change, or the total number of changes on a pixel-by-pixel basis.

Мастер обнаружения изменений запускается из ниспадающего меню кнопки Выявление изменений на вкладке Изображения в группе Анализ. Кнопка недоступна, если вы не работаете в сцене 2D-карты, или если у вас нет дополнительного модуля Image Analyst.

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