If you do
not have existing S-57 data, you can create the foundation for a new S-57 product by
capturing a new product coverage (polygon product extent) and providing the
required metadata values in the ProductDefinitions table.
On the Maritime S-57 tab, in the S-57 Editing group, click the Compilation Scale drop-down arrow and choose a scale.
This value represents the scale at which your chart is created. You can choose a value from the combo box list, or type a custom value. Setting a compilation scale ensures that all features that are created are attributed with the correct scale.
In the Contents pane, right-click the Editing Properties table and click Open.
In the Agency attribute column, double-click the row to access the drop-down list and choose an agency.
The list of available agencies is generated from the IHO S-62 List of Data Producer Codes document. A new FIDS value is assigned to each record in
the table by default and is used in generating a unique LNAM. The FIDS value can also be customized.
Click the Edit tab and click Create Features.
The Create Features pane appears.
In the Create Features pane, click the ProductCoverage template.
With the polygon feature selected, click Attributes.
The Attributes pane appears.
The following error message also appears: ProductCoverage feature (subtype: ProductCoverage) must participate in one composite relationship as a child. No action is required.
Provide a value for the Dataset Name and press Enter.
The file name can be up to eight characters and can be composed
of uppercase alphanumeric characters A to Z, and digits zero through
nine. Typically, the first three characters are a combination of the
agency code followed by the intended usage. For example, if your agency is 4E -
Environmental Systems Research Institute, and the intended usage is
5 - Harbour, the file dataset name would be 4E5XXXXX where X represents additional available characters for you to define.
Нажмите кнопку Применить (Apply).
In the Contents pane, right-click the ProductDefinitions table and click Open.
If closed, open the Create Features pane, click the ProductDefinitions table, and click the Forward button to open the Active Template page.
In the active template, provide the product definition-required S-57 metadata values.
The following table contains sample values:
Compilation Scale
Dataset Name
INTU (Intended usage)
4E - Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)
Vertical Datum
Mean high water springs
Sounding Datum
Lowest astronomical tide
Where clause
Click Create after the attributes are populated.
A row is added to the ProductDefinitions table.
Ensure that the new row and the coverage polygon are selected and open the Attributes pane.
Both items should appear in the Attributes pane.
If the coverage polygon is not selected, click Select on the Maritime S-57 tab and select it on the map.
Expand the ProductCoverage node contents until ProductDefinitions appears and right-click it.
Click Add Selected To Relationship.
The product coverage polygon is linked to the product definition.
On the Edit tab, click Save, then click Yes to save all edits.
In the Selection group, click Clear to clear the selection.
You have created a product definition in the Nautical Information System (NIS).