Process Air Traffic Service Routes (Aviation)

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией Aviation Charting.

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Identifies, generalizes, and offsets overlapping Air Traffic Service (ATS) routes.

Using Process ATS Route preferences, this tool allows you to identify overlapping ATS routes on a chart. Once overlapping ATS routes have been identified, the tool uses the provided Process ATS Route preferences to generalize or offset the routes.


  • The following preferences can be set in the input preferences table:


    You must populate a preference table with route processing preferences before using this tool.

    • Hide Overlapping Routes—Overlapping routes will be hidden by selecting multiple fields that are used to identify overlapping features.
    • Concatenate Idents—Identifiers (denoted by the ATSRoute feature class's Ident_Txt field) will be combined for overlapping routes. The IdentConcat_Txt field in the ATSRoute_C feature class will be populated with the concatenated identifier values.
    • Offset Overlapping Routes—Overlapping routes will be offset by setting an input distance.

    Learn more about creating route processing preferences

  • The Input Route Features parameter must contain polyline features.

  • The following fields are required for this tool's parameters:

    ParameterRequired field
    Input Route Features


    Target Cartographic Route Features


    Area of Interest Features


    Preference Table

    NAME and JSON


    If you are using the AIS database schema included in the ArcGIS Aviation Charting product files, these required fields will be included in the schema's feature classes.

  • The Area of Interest Features polygon feature class is used to set a boundary within which ATS route features will be processed. ATS route features that wholly or partially overlap the area of interest (AOI) will be processed.


    The tool will only honor Area of Interest Features parameter values that are currently selected on a feature layer. If no features are selected, the tool will run using all features in the Area of Interest Features feature class.

  • The Target Cartographic Route Features parameter value and the Updated Cartographic Route Features derived output refer to the same feature layer. The contents of the Target Cartographic Route Features feature layer will be overwritten by this tool.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Input Route Features

The polyline feature layer containing air traffic service (ATS) route data. This data will be used to update features in the Target Cartographic Route Features feature layer.

Feature Layer
Target Cartographic Route Features

The cartographic feature layer containing air traffic service (ATS) routes. The attributes of these features will be modified to simplify the display of overlapping routes.

Feature Layer
Area of Interest Features

The polygon feature class containing area of interest (AOI) features.

Feature Layer
Preference Table

The table of preferences that control how air traffic service (ATS) routes are processed.

Table View

The name of a preference from the Preference Table parameter. The preference controls how air traffic service (ATS) routes are processed.


Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Updated Cartographic Route Features

The updated cartographic feature layer containing updated air traffic service (ATS) route features.

Feature Layer

Параметры среды

Этот инструмент не использует параметры среды геообработки

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Нет
  • Standard: Обязательно ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: Обязательно ArcGIS Aviation Charting

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