Manage preferences

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией Aviation Charting.

You can set preferences that define how ArcGIS Aviation Charting geoprocessing tools create airspace lines, generate airspace areas, process routes, generate chart leads, and perform change detection in ArcGIS Pro using the Aviation Preferences tool. The preferences you configure with this tool are stored in a preferences table in the Aviation Charting Aeronautical Information System (AIS) geodatabase schema that is provided in the Aviation Charting product data files at My Esri.

Learn more about the AIS geodatabase schema

Preferences table

A preferences table is a stand-alone table included in the Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase schema that has the following fields:

Field nameData type

Text (maximum length 255 characters)



Text (maximum length 255 characters)



Text (maximum length 20,000 characters)


Text (maximum length 255 characters)


If the geodatabase schema does not contain a preferences table, you can manually create one. The new table must contain the fields listed above along with the correct data type and text length for the table to populate correctly. The new table must also be named Preferences.

Open the Aviation Preferences view

You can populate a preferences table using the Aviation Preferences tool in ArcGIS Pro.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Open or create a project containing an Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase.
  3. If your project contains a map with feature classes from your Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase, skip to step 8.
  4. If the Catalog pane is not open, click the View tab, and click Catalog Pane.
  5. Expand the Databases drop-down arrow in the Catalog pane.
  6. Expand your Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase.
  7. Right-click the feature class you want to add, and click Add To Current Map.

    The feature class you chose appears as a layer in the Contents pane, and the Aviation tab appears on the ribbon.

  8. Click the Aviation tab.

    Before the Aviation tab appears on the ribbon, you must add a feature class from your Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase to the map.

  9. In the Configuration group, click Preferences.

    The Preferences tab and the Aviation Preferences view appear.

Add preferences

The Preferences tab allows you to populate the preferences table with preferences for the Process ATS Routes, Generate Airspace Lines,Generate Airspace Areas, Generate Aviation Chart Leads, and Report Aviation Chart Changes tools.

  1. In the Aviation Preferences view, choose the preference to add from the Add Preferences group on the ribbon.
    • Process ATS Routes—Specify how the Process ATS Routes tool identifies and processes route features.
    • Generate Airspace Lines—Specify how the Generate Airspace Lines tool generates airspace lines from input airspace boundary features.
    • Generate Airspace Areas—Specify how the Generate Airspace Areas tool generates airspace areas from input airspace features.
    • Generate Chart Leads—Specify how the Generate Aviation Chart Leads tool generates chart leads from the input map frame.
    • Generate Summary Table— Specify how the Generate Summary Table Data tool gathers information from related tables and generates a single user-defined table.
    • Report Chart Changes—Specify how the Report Aviation Chart Changes tool identifies data changes between two многопользовательская база геоданных versions.

    A new record appears.


    The red box next to the new record indicates that the record is invalid and cannot be used to populate a preferences table. A record is considered invalid if the preference is a duplicate value or if the preference contains incomplete information.

  2. Click the new record.
  3. Locate the Preference Details pane and expand the General Info section.
  4. In the Name text box, type a unique name that defines the preference you are creating.

    You cannot have multiple preferences of the same type with the same name. For example, it is valid to have two separate preferences called Airspace Route for the Process ATS Routes and Generate Airspace Lines tools. It is not valid, however, to have two preferences called Airspace Routes for the Generate Airspace Lines tool.

  5. In the Description text box, type a unique description for the preference.
  6. In the Tags text box, type descriptive tags for the preference.
  7. Continue configuring the preference you chose in one of the following sections:

Configure preferences for the Process ATS Routes tool

To configure preferences for the Process ATS Routes tool in a preferences table, complete the steps below. These preferences define how the Process ATS Routes tool runs on the features.

  1. Expand the Define Overlaps group in Preference Details.
  2. Click the ATSRoutes Fields drop-down arrow and check the check boxes next to the fields you want to use to define overlapping features.

    Only features with identical values in the chosen fields are considered overlapping.

  3. Click the ATSRoutes_C Fields drop-down arrow and check the check boxes next to the fields you want to use to define overlapping features.
    • Hide Overlapping Routes—Overlapping route features are hidden.
    • Concatenate Idents—Overlapping route features' identifier values are concatenated with a hyphen.
    • Offset Overlapping Routes—Overlapping features appear offset from one another.

      If you check this check box, you must provide a value for Offset Value, which determines how far apart the features appear on a chart.

  4. Locate the new record in the Aviation Preferences view and ensure that the record is complete and that it is not a duplicate.

    As you fill in details in the Preference Details pane, the record populates with information automatically. Ensure that the colored box next to the record is green. If it is still red, the record is invalid and cannot be used to populate the preference table.


    You can undo a change to your preferences by right-clicking the record and clicking Undo Changes. You cannot undo changes after you save your preferences to the preferences table.

  5. On the Preferences tab and in the Preferences group, click Save.

    Your changes have been committed, and the preference table in your Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase has been populated.

Configure preferences for the Generate Airspace Lines tool

To configure preferences for the Generate Airspace Lines tool in a preferences table, complete the steps below. These preferences define how the Generate Airspace Lines tool runs on the features.

  1. In the General Info section, build a query to select features associated with this preference under Filter.
  2. Expand the Airspace types to process group.
  3. Click the Types drop-down arrow and check the check boxes next to the airspace classifications you want to process with the Generate Airspace Lines tool.
  4. Expand the Airspace labels to process section.
  5. Click the Labels drop-down arrow and check the check boxes next to the labels you want to process with the Generate Airspace Lines tool.
  6. Provide a value in the Cluster Tolerance text box and choose a measurement unit to define how close vertices should be to one another to be considered coincident.

    Providing a value of 0 is an alternative way to specify the default cluster tolerance of the Input Airspace Feature.

  7. Locate the new record in the Aviation Preferences view and ensure that the record is complete and that it is not a duplicate.

    As you fill in details in the Preference Details pane, the record populates with information automatically. Ensure that the colored box next to the record is green. If it is still red, the record is invalid and cannot be used to populate the preference table.


    You can undo a change to your preferences by right-clicking the record and clicking Undo Changes. You cannot undo changes after you save your preferences to the preferences table.

  8. On the Preferences tab and in the Preferences group, click Save.

    Your changes have been committed, and the preference table in your Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase has been populated.

Configure preferences for the Generate Airspace Areas tool

To configure preferences for the Generate Airspace Areas tool in a preferences table, complete the steps below. These preferences define how the Generate Airspace Areas tool runs on the features.

  1. In the General Info section, build a query to select features associated with this preference under Filter.
  2. Expand the Airspace types to process group.
  3. Click the Types drop-down arrow and check the check boxes next to the airspace classifications you want to process with the Generate Airspace Areas tool.
  4. Provide values for the following in the Flight level pane:
    • Units—The unit of measurement for the preference.
    • High limit—The ceiling of the airspace.
    • Low limit—The floor of the airspace.
    • Use Overrides—Allow the high limit or low limit value to be overridden by an input vertical limit override table.
  5. Locate the new record in the Aviation Preferences view and ensure that the record is complete and that it is not a duplicate.

    As you fill in details in the Preference Details pane, the record populates with information automatically. Ensure that the colored box next to the record is green. If it is still red, the record is invalid and cannot be used to populate the preference table.


    You can undo a change to your preferences by right-clicking the record and clicking Undo Changes. You cannot undo changes after you save your preferences to the preferences table.

  6. On the Preferences tab and in the Preferences group, click Save.

    Your changes have been committed, and the preference table in your Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase has been populated.

Configure preferences for the Generate Chart Leads tool

To configure preferences for the Generate Chart Leads tool in a preferences table, complete the steps below. These preferences define how the Generate Aviation Chart Leads tool runs on the features.

  1. Click the Source drop-down arrow in the Chart Leads Details section and choose the line feature classes from your current workspace or database.
  2. Click the From Field drop-down arrow and choose an option for the From field in the line feature classes.

    Alternatively, click the Expression button Задать выражение to set a custom expression.

  3. Click the To Field drop-down arrow and choose an option for the To field in the line feature classes.

    Alternatively, click the Expression button Задать выражение to set a custom expression.

  4. In the Appearance section, set the appearance for the chart leads.

    The defaults are the following:

    • Font Size—10
    • Offset—0.1
    • Font Family—Tahoma
    • Font Style—Bold
    • Font Color—Black

  5. Optionally, check the appropriate check box in the Flip Chart Leads section to flip the chart leads:
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Left
    • Right
  6. Locate the new record in the Aviation Preferences view and ensure that the record is complete and that it is not a duplicate.

    As you fill in details in the Preference Details pane, the record populates with information automatically. Ensure that the colored box next to the record is green. If it is still red, the record is invalid and cannot be used to populate the preference table.


    You can undo a change to your preferences by right-clicking the record and clicking Undo Changes. You cannot undo changes after you save your preferences to the preferences table.

  7. On the Preferences tab and in the Preferences group, click Save.

    Your changes have been committed, and the preference table in your Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase has been populated.

Once you run the Generate Aviation Chart Leads tool and generate the text graphics, you can edit them in the label properties.

Configure preferences for the Generate Summary Table tool

To configure preferences for the Generate Summary Table tool in a preferences table, complete the steps below. These preferences define how the Generate Summary Table Data tool runs on the features.

  1. Click the Source Table drop-down arrow and choose the table you want to use as the primary source.
  2. Click the Target Table drop-down arrow and choose the table you want populated by the Generate Summary Table Data tool.
  3. Click the Tables drop-down arrow and check the check boxes next to additional related tables.
  4. On the Preferences tab and in the Preferences group, click Save.

    Your changes have been committed, and the preference table in your Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase has been populated.

Build a query

To finish setting up your preferences and build a query to select features associated with this preference, complete the following steps:

Learn more about building queries in ArcGIS Pro

  1. Click the Add button Добавить below the Field Mapping section to designate source and target attributes.
  2. Click the Add button Добавитьbelow the Key Field section to designate key fields.
  3. Optionally, check the Has Panels check box.
  4. On the Preferences tab and in the Preferences group, click Save.

    Your changes have been committed, and the preference table in your Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase has been populated.

Configure preferences for the Report Chart Changes tool

To configure preferences for the Report Chart Changes tool in a preferences table, complete the steps below. These preferences define how the Report Aviation Chart Changes tool runs on the features.

  1. Click the Tables drop-down arrow and check the check boxes next to the features to include in the report.
  2. Choose the feature name from the box below the Tables drop-down menu.
  3. In the Fields table, check the check boxes next to the fields to include in the report.

    The Fields table only shows fields for the feature you selected in step 2.


    You can click Select All to select all the fields in the Fields table. You can click Clear All to deselect all fields in the Fields table.

    The selected fields are grouped in the Fields table in the Selected section. Fields that are not selected are grouped in the Unselected section.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each table you chose.
  5. Locate the new record in the Aviation Preferences view and ensure that the record is complete and that it is not a duplicate.

    As you fill in details in the Preference Details pane, the record populates with information automatically. Ensure that the colored box next to the record is green. If it is still red, the record is invalid and cannot be used to populate the preference table.


    You can undo a change to your preferences by right-clicking the record and clicking Undo Changes. You cannot undo changes after you save your preferences to the preferences table.

  6. On the Preferences tab and in the Preferences group, click Save.

    Your changes have been committed, and the preference table in your Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase has been populated.

Delete records

To delete unwanted records from the Aviation Preferences view, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click the record to delete and click Delete.

    To delete multiple records at once, press the Ctrl key and click the records to delete.


    You can also delete selected records by pressing the Delete key.

    A strike-through mark appears over the selected records.

  2. On the Preferences tab and in the Preferences group, click Save.

    Your changes have been committed, and the preference table in your Aviation Charting AIS geodatabase has been populated.