Import report templates

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Report and infographic templates created in Business Analyst Web App can be imported into ArcGIS Pro and run through the Summary Reports tool. You can also open and edit imported templates when you build infographic templates and report templates.

Imported templates and their corresponding data become part of the installed Business Analyst dataset that is active in ArcGIS Pro and are only accessible through that dataset. When you import a template, the following items are downloaded to ArcGIS Pro:

  • Custom data in Statistical Data Collection (SDCX) format. Downloading the SDCX is optional. This setting can be changed in the advanced import settings. If you choose to download the SDCX, the feature layer that it is built on will also be downloaded to a local geodatabase.
  • The template folder.

Import a template

Before starting the import process, sign in to your organization. To import a report or infographic template to ArcGIS Pro, do the following:

  1. Set the Business Analyst data source to a local Business Analyst dataset.

    The dataset you select in ArcGIS Pro must contain the same variables that the template uses in Business Analyst Web App—meaning both the country and the release vintage must match.

    For example, if you built a template with variables from the Canada 2022 online dataset in Business Analyst Web App, you must connect to the CAN_ESRI_2022 installed Business Analyst dataset in ArcGIS Pro before importing the template.

  2. Open the Catalog pane by clicking the View tab on the ribbon, and click Catalog Pane in the Windows group.
  3. In the Catalog pane, click the Portal tab and select a template:
    • To browse templates you created in Business Analyst Web App, click My Content Мои ресурсы and then open the Report Templates folder.
    • To browse templates shared to your organization or to specific groups, click My Organization Моя организация or My Groups Мои группы.
  4. Right-click a report template and click Import Template.

    A progress indicator is displayed during processing and the Import Template window opens upon completion. A message confirms success of the import and location of the file.

  5. Optionally, change output locations, manage access to custom data, and view additional information by clicking the Advanced Import Settings button.
  6. Click OK.

When the template is imported to ArcGIS Pro, you can select it in the Summary Reports tool under the My Reports node of the Create Reports drop-down menu. You can also open and edit imported templates when you build infographic templates and report templates.

Set a location for imported templates

You can set the location for saving templates imported to ArcGIS Pro. By default, templates and any included custom data are imported to the Business Analyst Templates folder.

  1. In an ArcGIS Pro project, click the Project tab.
  2. Click Options.
  3. In the Options dialog box, under the Application heading, click Business Analyst.
  4. Under Set options for report templates, do one of the following:
    • Select Use the project's home folder.
    • Select Use this location and navigate to a folder on your machine.
  5. Click OK to close the Options dialog box.

Advanced import settings

The Advanced Import Settings dialog box provides information about the template, the associated Business Analyst dataset, and any included custom datasets. In this dialog box, you can also define how included custom data is accessed. The dialog box includes a General Information section, as well as additional sections that are displayed if custom data is included in the template.

The General Information section provides the following information about the template:

  • Report Name—The title of the imported report template.
  • Source Country—The country for which the report can return data.
  • Source Hierarchy—The data vintage in which the template's data was built.

    When importing templates, the source hierarchy may affect your ability to use a template in a data source other than the one in which it was built. If the template contains variables that are part of a data source for which you do not have a license, you cannot run the template.

  • Local Dataset for Imported Template—The installed Business Analyst dataset that must be active in ArcGIS Pro in order to access the report template through the Summary Reports tool.
  • Imported Variables Count—The number of variables included in the template.

If the report template contains custom data, the dialog box includes additional sections representing each Statistical Data Collection with variables included in the template. These sections are titled with the name of the corresponding Statistical Data Collection. The sections contain the following information and options about each custom dataset:

  • Source feature service URL—URL of the online custom dataset.
  • Imported Variables Count—The number of variables from the custom dataset that are included in the template.
  • Import or Use Existing SDCX File—Defines how custom data is accessed. You can choose between downloading the SDCX to your local machine or accessing the variables from a different SDCX that exists on your machine. The default is to import the SDCX. You can change this by first selecting Reference Existing Local SDCX from the Import or Use Existing SDCX drop-down menu and then clicking the folder button next to the Existing local SDCX location parameter. Lastly, browse to and select your existing local SDCX and click OK.
  • New local SDCX location—The location and name of the SDCX to be downloaded.
  • Existing local SDCX location—Folder button that allows you to browse to your existing local SDCX containing the variables from this custom dataset that are included in the template.

Click OK to close the Advanced Import Settings and Import Template dialog boxes. This initiates the download of custom data and applies your changes.