Work with infographic panels

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Архив справки

You can add an infographic panel or comparison panel to an infographic template. A ready-to-use infographic panel displays a preselected set of data with accompanying symbols or icons. For example, the Business infographic panel displays the Total Businesses and Total Employees variables, with accompanying icons. You can also create your own infographic panel.

Add an infographic panel

You can insert an infographic panel in an infographic template by adding it or replacing another element.

  1. In the infographic builder, click Add element. Alternatively, hover over an existing panel and click Add Add or Replace Replace.
  2. Select Infographic Infographic.

    The Add infographic panel window appears.

  3. To select an infographic panel, hover over it and click Add.

    You can search or browse available infographic panels in the following sections:

    • Standard panels—Ready-to-use infographic panels and comparison panels
    • My panels—Infographic panels that you created and saved

    The infographic panel is added to the template. You can now edit and customize the panel.

Add a comparison panel

To create and add a comparison infographic panel, you select a variable and the geography level with which to compare your sites, such as the state or county level. The panel displays the variable value for your site, as well as the value for the selected geography level.

For example, if you select the Median Household Income variable and set State as the comparison geography, the comparison panel displays the difference between the median household income values for the site and the state where the site is located.

Comparison panel

To add a comparison panel to an infographic template, do the following:

  1. In the infographic builder, click Add element. Alternatively, hover over an existing panel and click Add Add or Replace Replace.
  2. Select Infographic Infographic.

    The Add infographic panel window appears.

  3. Hover over the Comparison panel and click Create.

    The Create comparison panel window appears.

  4. Use the data browser to select the variable you want to compare.
  5. Click Compare with geographies.
  6. To specify the comparison parameters, do the following:
    1. In the Compare with drop-down list, select the geography level with which to compare the site.
    2. Check the Add higher/lower arrow indicator check box to display an arrow indicating whether the variable value for the site is higher or lower than the value for the selected geography.
    3. Under Display difference as, select Absolute value or Percent difference as the format to display the difference in value between the site and the geography.
  7. Optionally, edit panel elements:
    • To edit the variable's style and format, hover over the variable value and click Edit Edit. Click Add interactive experience Add interactive experience to add an interactive experience associated with this variable.
    • To edit the panel title, hover over it and click Edit text Edit.
    • To edit the line beneath the panel title, hover over it and click Edit line Edit.
    • To edit the description, hover over it and click Edit Edit.
    • To add a shape symbolizing the variable, click Add shape Add. To modify the shape, hover over it and click Edit shape Edit. Use the Shape properties window to modify the shape.
    • To adjust the size of the panel, drag the sizing handle Sizing handle.
    • To align elements, select multiple items in the panel and expand the Align drop-down menu.
    • To use panel options, click Panel options Panel options.
  8. Click Save.

    The Save infographic window appears.

  9. Optionally, edit the title. Click Show infographic metadata to view and edit the metadata for the template.

    The metadata fields provide information about the template: Data vintage, Data description, Author, and Keywords. Metadata fields are populated based on the variables included in the panel.

  10. Click Save.

    The comparison panel is saved under the My panels tab.

  11. Hover over the saved comparison panel and click Add.

    The comparison panel is added to the infographic template.

Add a custom infographic panel

To create and add a custom infographic panel, you select or edit variables, add symbols, and use other options. As you create the infographic panel, you can click Undo Undo and Redo Redo to undo or redo an action.

To create and add a custom infographic panel to an infographic template, do the following:

  1. In the infographic builder, click Add element. Alternatively, hover over an existing panel and click Add Add or Replace Replace.
  2. Select Infographic Infographic.

    The Add infographic panel window appears.

  3. Click Create infographic panel. Alternatively, to edit a panel you created or saved, hover over it on the My panels tab and click Edit infographic panel Edit.

    The Create infographic panel window appears. If you're editing a panel, a preview is displayed, and you can click Edit/add variables or Change variable to modify the selected variables.

  4. Use the data browser to select the variables you want to include in the panel and click Next.

    A preview of the infographic panel is displayed.

  5. Under Choose a layout for your infographic panel, choose an available layout.
  6. Optionally, edit panel elements. Use the Select or edit elements drop-down menu to select, edit, or remove multiple elements at once. To edit panel elements individually, do any of the following:
    • To edit the panel title, hover over it and click Edit text Edit.
    • To edit the line beneath the panel title, hover over it and click Edit line Edit.
    • To edit a variable's display name, hover over it and click Edit Edit.
    • To edit a variable value's style and format, hover over it and click Edit Edit. Click Add interactive experience Add interactive experience to add an interactive experience associated with this variable.
    • To add a shape symbolizing the variable, click Add shape Add. To modify the shape, hover over it and click Edit shape Edit. Use the Shape Properties window to modify the shape.
    • To adjust the size of the panel, drag the sizing handle Sizing handle.
    • To align elements, select multiple items in the panel and expand the Align drop-down menu.
    • To use panel options, click Panel options Panel options.
  7. When you are finished, click Save.

    The Save infographic window appears.

  8. Optionally, edit the title of the panel. Click Show infographic metadata to view and edit the metadata for the template.
    The metadata fields provide information about the template: Data vintage, Data description, Author, and Keywords. Metadata fields are populated based on the variables included in the panel.
  9. Click Save.

    The infographic panel is saved under the My panels tab.

  10. Hover over the saved panel and click Add.

    The panel is added to the infographic template.