FAA 18B schema data dictionary

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The FAA 18B geodatabase schema contains tables and feature classes conforming to standards set by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM). For more information, review the FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-18B.

Feature datasets

The feature datasets shown in the following table represent the main datasets of the FAA 18B schema:



Contains feature classes storing Airfield data. The following feature classes are included:

AircraftGateStand, AircraftGateStandArea, AircraftNonMovementArea, AirfieldLight, AirOperationsArea, AirportSign, Apron, ArrestingGear, ASRNEdge, ASRNNode, Deicingarea, FrequencyArea, HelipadThreshold, Hotspot, MarkingArea, MarkingLine, MovementArea, PassengerLoadingBridge, RestrictedAccessBoundary, Runway, RunwayArrestingArea, RunwayBlastPad, RunwayCenterline, RunwayDisplacedArea, RunwayElement, RunwayEnd, RunwayHelipadDesignSurface, RunwayIntersection, RunwayLabel, RunwayLAHSO, RunwaySafetyAreaBoundary, Shoulder, Stopway, TaxiwayElement, TaxiwayHoldingPosition, TaxiwayIntersection, and TouchdownLiftoff


Contains feature classes storing Airspace data. The following feature classes are included in this feature dataset:

LandmarkSegment, Obstacle, ObstructionArea, ObstructionIdSurface, ObstructionIdSurface, ObstructionIdSurface_MP, ObstructionLine, and RunwayProtectArea


Contains feature classes storing Cadastral data. The following feature classes are included in this feature dataset:

AirportBoundary, AirportParcel, County, EasementsAndRightsofWay, FaaRegionArea, LandUse, LeaseZone, Municipality, Parcel, State, and Zoning


Contains feature classes storing Environmental data. The following feature classes are included in this feature dataset:

EnvironmentalContaminationArea, FaunaHazardArea, HazMatStorageSite, NoiseContour, NoiseIncident, NoiseMonitoringPoint, SampleCollectionPoint, Shoreline, and Wetland


Contains feature classes storing eTOD data. The following feature classes are included in this feature dataset:

ObstacleArea, VerticalStructureLine, VerticalStructurePoint, and VerticalStructurePolygon


Contains feature classes storing Geodetic data. The following feature classes are included in this feature dataset:

AirportControlPoint, CoordinateGridArea, ElevationContour, and ImageArea

Navigational Aids

Contains feature classes storing Navigational Aids data. The following feature classes are included in this feature dataset:

NavaidCriticalArea, NavaidEquipment, and NavaidSite


Contains feature classes storing SeaPlane data. The following feature classes are included in this feature dataset:

AnchorageArea, DockArea, NavigationBuoy, SeaplaneRampCenterline, SeaplaneRampSite, TaxiChannel, TurningBasin, WaterLandEnd, and WaterOperatingArea


Contains feature classes storing Security data. The following feature classes are included in this feature dataset:

SecurityArea, SecurityIdDisplayArea, SecurityPerimeterLine, and SterileArea


Contains feature classes storing Structures data. The following feature classes are included in this feature dataset:

Building, ConstructionArea, Fence, Gate, Roof, and Tower

Surface Transportation

Contains feature classes storing Surface Transportation data. The following feature classes are included in this feature dataset:

Bridge, DrivewayArea, DrivewayCenterline, ParkingLot, RailroadCenterline, RailroadYard, RoadCenterline, Roadpoint, RoadSegment, Sidewalk, and Tunnel


Contains feature classes storing Utilities data. The following feature classes are included in this feature dataset:

TankSite, UtilityLine, UtilityPoint, and UtilityPolygon

Feature classes

The feature classes shown in the following tables represent the feature classes of the FAA 18B schema.

| Airfield | Airspace | Cadastral | Environmental | eTOD | Geodetic | Navigational Aids | SeaPlane | Security | Structures | Surface Transportation | Utilities |


Feature class nameDescription


Geographic position of painted stand positions on the stand guidance line usually marked by a yellow crossbar according to aircraft type (e.g., for B-747, A-340).


A designated area on an apron intended to be used for parking an aircraft.


Taxiways and apron (ramp) areas not under the control of air traffic.


Any lighting located within or near an airport boundary that provides guidance for airborne and ground maneuvering of aircraft. [Source: AIM, AC 150/5345 Series of ACs]


Air Operations Area is where security measures are enforced as specified in the airport security program. This area includes aircraft movement areas, aircraft parking areas, loading ramps, and safety areas and any adjacent areas (such as general aviation areas) not separated by adequate security systems, measures, or procedures. [Source: 49 CFR Part 1542, Airport Security]


Signs at an airport other than surface painted signs. [Source: AC 150/5340-18]


A defined area on an airport or heliport, paved or unpaved, intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers or cargo, refueling, parking, or maintenance.


Location of the arresting gear cable across the runway. [Source: RTCA DO-272]


A directional or bi-directional connection between nodes having an attached geometry which can be used for the graphical depiction of the taxi route.


Representation of the intersection of two or more aerodrome features related to taxi operations, or other special location such as holding position or entry or exit to a parking area.


An aircraft deicing facility is a facility where: (1) frost, ice, or snow is removed (deicing) from the aircraft in order to provide clean surfaces or (2) clean surfaces of the aircraft receive protection (anti-icing) against the formation of frost or ice and accumulation of snow or slush for a limited period of time. [Source: AC 150/5300-13]


Area specifying the designated part of the surface movement area where a specific frequency is required by ATC or ground control. If there is only one frequency area for the airport, the polygon must cover the total air operations area. [Source: RTCA DO-272]


Threshold of a helipad.


A location on an aerodrome movement area with a history or potential risk of collision or runway incursion, and where heightened attention by pilots/drivers is necessary.


Markings used on runway and taxiway surfaces to identify a specific runway, a runway threshold, a centerline, a hold line, etc. An element of marking whose geometry is a polygon. [Source: AC 150/5340-1 and RTCA DO-272]


Markings used on runway and taxiway surfaces to identify a specific runway, a runway threshold, a centerline, a hold line, etc. An element of marking whose geometry is a line. [Source: AC 150/5340-1 and RTCA DO-272]


Runways, taxiways, and other areas of an airport used for taxiing or hover taxiing, air taxiing, takeoff, and landing of aircraft, exclusive of loading ramps and aircraft parking areas. [Source: 14 CFR Part 139]


A bridge for loading/unloading access to airplanes for passengers and crew.


A restricted area boundary identifies areas strictly reserved for use by authorized personnel only.


A defined rectangular area on an airport prepared for the landing and takeoff of aircraft. [AC 150/5300-13]


Any FAA-approved high energy absorbing material of a specific strength that will reliably and predictably bring an aircraft to a stop without imposing loads that exceed the aircraft’s design limits, cause major structural damage, or impose excessive force on its occupants. [Source: AC 150/5220-22]


A specially prepared surface placed adjacent to the end of a runway to eliminate the erosive effect of the high wind forces produced by airplanes at the beginning of their takeoff rolls.


Continuous line along the painted centerline of a runway connecting the middle-points of the two outermost thresholds. Centerline is composed of many centerline points (refer to RunwayControlPoint). It is used to calculate grade and line-of-sight criteria. [Source: AC 150/5300- 13]


That portion of a runway between the beginning of the runway and the displaced threshold.


A section of the runway surface. The runway surface can be defined by a set of nonoverlapping RunwaySegment polygons for pavement management purposes. RunwayElements may overlap Runway and RunwayIntersection features. Use RunwayElement to model the physical runway pavement in terms of surface, material, strength and condition in greater detail than just as a single piece of pavement. [Source: AC 150/5335-5, AC 150/5320-12, AC 150/5320-17, AC 150/5320- 6]


The end of the runway surface suitable for landing or takeoff runs of aircraft. Runway Ends describe the approach and departure procedure characteristics of a runway threshold. The Runway End is the same as the runway threshold when the threshold is not displaced.


A three-dimensional surface used in runway or heliport/helipad design. [Source: AC 150/5300-13]


The area of intersection between two or more runways. [Source: RTCA DO-272]


The bottom center position of the runway designation marking.


Markings installed on a runway where an aircraft is to stop when the runway is normally used as a taxiway or used for Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) as identified in a letter of agreement with the Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT). A runway should be considered as normally used for taxiing if there is no parallel taxiway and no ATCT. Otherwise, seek input from ATCT. [Source: Order 7110.118]


The boundary of the Runway Safety Area (RSA).


An area adjacent to the edge of paved runways, taxiways, or aprons providing a transition between the pavement and the adjacent surface; support for aircraft running off the pavement, enhance drainage, and blast protection. [Source: AC 150/5300-13]


An area beyond the takeoff runway, no less wide than the runway and centered upon the extended centerline of the runway, able to support the airplane during an aborted takeoff without causing structural damage to the airplane. It is designated by the airport authorities for use in decelerating the airplane during an aborted takeoff.


Defined paths on an airport established for the taxiing of aircraft (excluding apron taxilanes) and intended to provide a link between one part of the airport and another.


A designated position at which taxiing aircraft and vehicles will stop and hold position, unless otherwise authorized by the airport control tower. [Source: RTCA DO-272]


The junction of two or more taxiways. (Source: ICAO Annex 14, Volume 1, Aerodromes, Chapter 1, page 5)


A load-bearing, generally paved area, normally centered in the Final Approach and Takeoff Area (FATO), on which a helicopter lands or takes off. The Touchdown and Lift-off Area (TLOF) is frequently called a helipad or helideck.


Feature class nameDescription


Features providing geographic orientation near the airport vicinity. The features may or may not have obstruction value. Collect geographic features of landmark value aiding in geographic orientation as individual polyline objects. These features include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) A selection of roads (for example major highways, primary roads, and so on.) and railroads, especially in the airport vicinity, to assist the user in geographic orientation. (2) Shoreline (for example coastlines, lakes, rivers, and so on.) of landmark value that aid in geographic orientation. (3) Utility lines (for example transmission lines), levees, fence lines, or other linear features having obstruction or landmark value. (4) Buildings or other features of landmark value that aid in geographic orientation. (5) Runways with specially prepared hard surfaces that are not located on the airport being surveyed, but fall within the survey limits. (6) Closed runways if they are sufficiently prominent to be of value to a pilot in airport identification.


All fixed (whether temporary or permanent) and mobile objects, or parts thereof, located on an area intended for the surface movement of aircraft, penetrating an Obstruction Identification Surface (OIS), or selected as a representative object. Use this feature for modeling linear objects as obstacles.


Polygon features penetrating the plane of the obstruction identification surface (OIS) or selected as representative objects. Determine the type of obstructing area by the predominant feature within the grouped area. Penetrating groups of trees, ground, buildings, urban areas, mobile cranes, and agricultural area are the most common types of obstruction areas found within the surfaces of an Airport Airspace Analysis survey.


A derived imaginary surface defined by FAA.


A derived multipatch imaginary surface defined by FAA.


All line structures (e.g. power lines) whose maximum height exceeds the defined vertical limit.


An area beyond the takeoff runway under control of airport authorities within which terrain or fixed obstacles may not extend above specified limits. These areas may be required for certain turbine-powered operations, and the size and upward slope of the clearway will differ depending on when the aircraft was certificated.


Feature class nameDescription


A polygon, or a set of polygons, encompassing all property owned or controlled by the airport for aviation purposes. [Source: Order 5190.6A, Section 5]


A tract of land within the airport boundary acquired from surplus property, Federal funds, local funds, and so on. Include easement interests in areas outside the fee property line as an airport parcel. [Source FAA Order 5190.6, Chapter 5]


Boundary line of the land and water under the right, power, or authority of the county government.


A parcel of land for which formal or informal deed easement rights exist. [Source: SDSFIE (modified)]


This feature depicts the FAA regions.


A description of the human use of land and water.


A parcel of land leased by an individual, agency, or organization for their use.


Boundary line of the land and water under the right, power, or authority of the municipal government.


A single cadastral unit, which is the spatial extent of the past, present, and future rights and interests in real property and the geographic framework to support the description of the spatial extent.


Boundary line of the land and water under the right, power, or authority of the state government.


A parcel of land zoned specifically for real estate and land management purposes; more specifically for commercial, residential, or industrial use.


Feature class nameDescription


A facility or other locational entity, (as designated by the Environmental Protection Agency) that is regulated or monitored because of environmental concerns.


An area where there are hazards due to wildlife activities. This includes bird aircraft strike hazard (BASH) areas, and deer strike areas.


Areas subject to 100-year, 500-year and minimal flooding.


The specific location where an individual flora species or an aggregate of flora species has been identified.


A forest flora community with similar characteristics.


A defined or bounded geographical area designated and used for the storage of contained hazardous materials.


An area that describes the noise attributed to operations. For aircraft operations, the Day/Night average sound level (Ldn) descriptor is typically used to categorize noise levels. [Source: 14 CFR 150]


A formal complaint by an individual or group regarding excessive noise resulting from airport operations.


The location of noise sensing equipment or where a noise sample is taken.


The physical location at which one or more environmental hazards field samples are collected.


The boundary where land meets the edge of a large body of fresh or salt water.


Transitional lands between terrestrial and aquatic systems where the water table is usually at or near the surface or the land is covered by shallow water. The soils are predominantly saturated with water and the plants and animals that live there are specialized for this ecosystem.


Feature class nameDescription


The coverage areas for terrain and obstacle data sets specified in ICAO Annex 15, Chapter 5.


Line structure of a defined vertical extent that is located within an area that extends from the edge(s) of the runway(s) to 90m from the runway centerline(s) and for all other parts of the aerodrome movement area(s), 50m from the edge(s) of the defined area(s).


Point structure of a defined vertical extent that is located within an area that extends from the edge(s) of the runway(s) to 90m from the runway centerline(s) and for all other parts of the aerodrome movement area(s), 50m from the edge(s) of the defined area(s). Areas subject to 100-year, 500-year and minimal flooding.


Polygon structure of a defined vertical extent that is located within an area that extends from the edge(s) of the runway(s) to 90m from the runway centerline(s) and for all other parts of the aerodrome movement area(s), 50m from the edge(s) of the defined area(s).


Feature class nameDescription


Use this feature for points on the airfield possessing significant geographic importance, such as the Primary and Secondary Airport Control Stations (PACS/SACS), Runway Intersections, Airport Elevation, centerline perpendicular points for NAVAIDs, Stopway Ends, Profile Points, and the Touchdown Zone Elevation (TDZE).


A regular pattern of horizontal and vertical lines used to represent regular coordinate intervals along the x and y axis. This grid line can be used to generate an arbitrary grid system which is common on locator maps.


Connecting points on the surface of the earth of equal vertical elevation representing some fixed elevation interval.


The image footprint or coverage area.

Navigational Aids

Feature class nameDescription


A zone encompassing a specific ground area in the vicinity of a radiating antenna array which must be protected from parking and unlimited movement of surface and air traffic. The drawings included in this table are representative, be sure to refer to the official source to ensure the appropriate area is protected. [Source: FAA Order 6750.16C]


Any ground-based visual or electronic device that provides point to point guidance information or position to aircraft in flight.


The parcel, lease, or right-of-way boundary for a NAVAID or facility that is located off airport property.


Feature class nameDescription


An area designated specifically for the parking of seaplanes.


A defined area on a seaplane base either fixed or floating, intended to accommodate seaplanes for the purposes of loading or unloading passengers or cargo, refueling, parking, or maintenance. [Source AC 150-5395-01]


A floating marker which is moored to the bottom at a specific known location, which is used as an aid to navigation or for other special purpose.


The centerline of ramps specifically designed to transit seaplanes to or from land or water.


Ramps specifically designed to transit seaplanes to or from land to water.


A water channel used for the movement of seaplanes between shoreline facilities and the sea lane. [Source AC 150/5395-1]


A water area used for the taxi maneuvering of seaplanes along shoreline facilities and at the ends of a narrow sea lane. [Source AC 150-5395-01]


A defined path within a water operating area dedicated for the landing and takeoff run of seaplanes along its length. A marked sea lane is defined as a sea lane that has its four corners identified by visual markers such as buoys. [Source AC 150-5395-01]


A designated area on a body of water deemed suitable to facilitate seaplane operations for landings, takeoffs, and water taxiing. [Source AC150-5395-1] This is equivalent to the Airport Operating Area of a land based airport.


Feature class nameDescription


An area of the airport in which security measures required by 49CFR1542.201 must be carried out.


Portions of an airport, specified in the airport security program, in which security measures required by regulation must be, carried out. This area includes the security area and may include other areas of the airport. [Source: DHS]


Any type of perimeter, such as barbed wire, high fences, motion detectors and armed guards at gates, that ensure no unauthorized visitors can gain entry.


Portions of an airport defined in the airport security program that provide passengers access to boarding aircraft and to which the access is generally controlled by TSA, an aircraft operator, or a foreign air carrier. [Source: DHS]


Feature class nameDescription


A three-dimensional structure (i.e. hangars, terminals, etc.) modeled with a bounding polygon.


A defined area that is under construction, not intended for active use until authorized by the concerned authority. The area defines a boundary for personnel, material, and equipment engaged in the construction activity.


Any fencing (chain-link, razor wire, PVC, etc.). [Source: FAA]


A gate is an opening in a fence or other type of barrier between areas.


Structure on top of buildings, garages and other similar structures.


A structure created, by man, to facilitate an activity at an elevated level above the ground.

Surface Transportation

Feature class nameDescription


A structure used by vehicles that allows passage over or under an obstacle such as a river, chasm, mountain, road or railroad.


An access to a building or other vehicle parking lot or storage area.


The center of the driveway as measured from the edge of the paved surface. The segments of a driveway centerline will coincide with the road segments in order to provide network connectivity.


An area of an airport used for parking of automobiles, buses, etc.


Represents the centerline of each pair of rails. [Source: ANSI: Data Content Standards For Transportation Networks: Roads]


Represents a railroad yard.


The center of the roadway as measured from the edge of the paved surface. The segments of a road centerline will coincide with the road segments in order to have similar characteristics.


A point along the roadway system which has some special significance either for starting or ending a road segment or for representing a significant position along the roadway system such as the start or center of a bridge or the center of an intersection. [Source: ANSI: Data Content Standards For Transportation Networks: Roads]


Represents a linear section of the physical road system designed for, or the result of, human or vehicular movement; must be continuous (no gaps) and cannot branch; no mandates are provided on how to segment the road system except that data providers adopt a consistent method. [Source: ANSI: Data Content Standards For Transportation Networks: Roads]


A paved or concrete pad used as a pedestrian walkway. Usually is composed of one or more SideWalkSegments.


The area of a transportation passage, open at both ends, used to provide access through or under a natural obstacle.


Feature class nameDescription


An above or below grade receptacle or chamber for holding anything (e.g., fuels, water, waste, etc.) on a temporary basis prior to transfer, use, or disposal. Tanks are typically located on TankSites.


Any utility feature typically represented as a line.


Any utility feature typically represented as a point.


Any utility feature typically represented as a polygon, or hydro vaults.