Migration from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro for data validation

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Mit der Data Reviewer-Lizenz verfügbar.

With ArcGIS Pro, you can use existing Data Reviewer resources, such as Reviewer sessions and batch jobs created in ArcMap and ArcGIS Server. Re-use of these resources enables you to quickly get up and running with Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro.

Add Reviewer sessions to your project

To access the error results in a Reviewer session, you must first connect to a Reviewer workspace.

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Project group, click the Connections drop-down arrow and click Add Reviewer Results.
  2. On the Select Reviewer Workspace dialog box, browse to the Reviewer workspace that contains Reviewer results.
  3. Click Select.

    The Session Results node is added under Reviewer Results on the Catalog pane.

    Example of Reviewer resources in a project


    If the Reviewer workspace was created in a previous release of Data Reviewer, you may need to update it to the latest version. For more information, see Enable Reviewer error results on a geodatabase.

Once the resource is added, you can do one of the following:

  • View error results created using Data Reviewer Desktop or Data Reviewer Server.
  • Create a new Reviewer session for managing error results.
  • Carry-out automated and semiautomated review of your data using tools in ArcGIS Pro

For more information, see Access Reviewer error results.

Add Reviewer batch jobs to your project

Batch jobs created in ArcGIS Pro can be added to a project to facilitate their re-use in validating data and to support sharing.

  1. Click the Insert tab.
  2. In the Project group, click the Connections drop-down arrow, and click Add Reviewer Batch Jobs to add one or more existing batch jobs to the current project.

    The Select Reviewer Batch job dialog box appears.

  3. Browse to your .rbj file and click Select.

    The .rbj file appears under the Reviewer Batch Jobs group on the Catalog pane.

    Reviewer batch jobs on the Catalog pane


    When the batch jobs are added, the Reviewer Batch Jobs item appears in the Catalog pane.

For more information, see Run batch jobs on data.

View results

Error results from existing Reviewer sessions are viewed using the Reviewer Results pane. You can change the way information is displayed for error results using the Menu button Menü in the upper right of the Reviewer Results pane. Each option determines which fields appear in the pane for each result. There are four different options: All Results, Feature Results, Sampling Results, and Metadata Results. By default, All Results is applied, which shows the life cycle phase, status, object ID, source feature class or table, title of the check, and the severity. You can view more detailed information about an individual result by expanding it.

Expanded row in the Reviewer Results pane

Detailed information about an error result is organized into relevant sections to facilitate review. This includes both feature and error details, which allows you to quickly view information such as a feature subtype, which check was run, who ran the check and when, and the type of criteria reported by the check.

The fields in the Reviewer Results pane are slightly different than the Reviewer table in Data Reviewer Desktop. The table below maps the field names between both.

Reviewer Results paneReviewer table






Check Type




Check Notes


Created By


Sampled By

Created On


Sampled On

Metadata Element


Corrected By


Corrected On


Verified By


Verified On


For more information, see Access Reviewer error results.

Update error results

Error results from new and existing Reviewer sessions can be moved through the quality control life cycle as they are ready to be corrected and verified. The Update Results pane allows you to view errors selected in the Reviewer Results pane and correct and verify them. The error results are displayed based on their current life cycle phase and are automatically organized group once they are corrected or verified, respectively.

The status can be changed on the Status panel at the bottom of the Update Results pane, which is similar to the Update Status and Update Sampling Status dialog boxes available with Data Reviewer Desktop.

Update Results pane

For more information, see Update the status of errors and sampling results.