Migration from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro for data validation

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Mit der Data Reviewer-Lizenz verfügbar.

Most of the functionality available in ArcGIS Data Reviewer for ArcMap is also available in ArcGIS Pro. The challenge is to find familiar commands and follow familiar workflows in the redesigned ArcGIS Pro. The drop-down menus, toolbars, and dialog boxes in ArcMap are replaced by the ribbon and panes in ArcGIS Pro. The project-based structure of ArcGIS Pro is also a new experience. See the overview of ArcGIS Pro for a summary of the design and user interface.

Reuse content from ArcMap

With ArcGIS Pro, you can use existing Data Reviewer resources, such as Reviewer sessions and batch jobs created in ArcMap. Reuse of these resources enables you to quickly get up and running with Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro.

To learn more about using content from ArcMap, see the following topics:

New workflows for automated review

With ArcGIS Pro, you can implement automated review using capabilities that assess the quality of features in new workflows. These workflows include the use of attribute rules that enable you to assess the quality of features that already exist in your database, as well as, maintain quality during data editing.

To learn more about using ArcGIS Pro to implement automated review, see the following topics: