Share branch versioned data

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To edit branch versioned data, you must access it through a feature service. After registering data as branch versioned, publish the data to your organization's ArcGIS Enterprise portal as a web feature layer. Make sure you publish a layer that references registered data. The data is then available as a feature service and you can edit it as part of your branch versioning workflows.

For more information, see Feature services and Share a web feature layer.

Version management

When you publish branch versioned data, there is an option to enable Version Management capabilities. The version management service exposes the management capabilities necessary to support feature services that work with branch versioned datasets. To work with branch versioned datasets in a named version and have them participate in versioning workflows, enable Version Management when you publish the service.

It is important to pay attention to the access property for the default version. Depending on your workflows, it may be necessary to protect the default version. To do this, modify the access version property for the default version to Protected using the Versions view or the Alter Version tool.

Share As Web Layer pane

The following features are enabled for the feature layer when published with the Version Management capability checked:

  • Access to the Versioning contextual tab and Versions view. This allows you to do the following:

  • Undo and redo capabilities are available when working in a named version. This allows you to do the following:

    • Undo or redo individual edits that have been made throughout an edit session.
    • Save or discard edits for the entire edit session.


When you publish, analyzers validate branch versioned datasets against certain requirements. Errors and warnings appear when you run the analyzer or try to publish in the Share As Web Layer pane. All analyzer errors must be resolved before you can complete the publishing process.

The following requirements must be met:

  • The ArcGIS Server site must be 10.6 or later.
  • All data must belong to a branch workspace. This is determined by the data source of the database connection and is set by the Versioning Type in the Geodatabase Connection Properties.
  • The connected geodatabase user must be the owner of the data.
  • The database must be registered as a data store.
  • The service instance type must be set to dedicated. To learn more, see Configure service instance settings.
  • When the Version Management capability is enabled, all datasets must be of the same registration type.
    • When the Version Management capability is not enabled, publishing datasets with a mix of registration types is allowed, with the exception of those registered as traditional versioned.

Share branch versioned data

To edit branch versioned data, it must be accessed through a feature service. Data is published to a feature service after first adding the branch versioned datasets as layers in an active map view. All branch versioned data is published from the default version.

To publish to a feature service, use the following steps:

  1. To share branch versioned data as a web feature layer, do one of the following:
    • Share the map and all of its layers as a web layer: On the Share tab, in the Share As group, click Web Layer Web layer.
    • Share selected layers from the map as a web layer: Select the layers in the Contents pane. Right-click the selected layers, point to the Sharing menu, and click Share As Web Layer Web layer.

    The Share As Web Layer pane appears.

  2. Use the Name field to provide a name for the web layer.
  3. Complete the Summary and Tags fields.
  4. For Data, ensure Reference registered data is enabled.
  5. For Layer Type, click Feature.
  6. Optionally, use the Configuration tab to configure web layer properties.
  7. Optionally, under the Location section, choose a folder in your portal content in which to store the web layer.

    By default, the web layer is saved to My Content at the root level of the portal.

  8. Under the Share with section, specify how the web layer is shared:
    • Everyone—This option makes your content public. This means anyone can access and see it.
    • My Organization—This option allows your content to be shared with all authenticated users in the organization.
    • Groups—You can share your content with groups you belong to and members of those groups.
  9. Enable version management capabilities for the service. Click the Configuration tab, and under Capabilities, click Version Management.

    This is required if you want the feature layer to participate in versioning workflows.

  10. Optionally, click the Content tab to view the new web layer or layers and all associated components.

    Since Reference registered data was selected, you can click the Federated Servers drop-down arrow to choose where the layer is shared. Only federated servers that you have access to are listed.

  11. Click Analyze to check for any errors or issues. On the Messages tab, right-click each message to get more information, read the help for the error or warning, and access suggested fixes.
    You must resolve all errors.

    Learn more about analyzing GIS resources

  12. Once validated, click Publish to share your web layer.
  13. Once the web layer has successfully published, click the Manage the web layer link to manage the web feature layer through your portal.

    Since you selected Reference registered data earlier, the link opens the item page for the map image layer.