Point scene layer

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To ensure fast visualization in all clients, cached point scene layers are used to display large amounts of point data in ArcGIS Pro and in a web scene. For example, you may use a point scene layer to display the trees in a city using preset layers. Point features in point scene layers can be symbolized with point symbols that are billboarded or contain 3D marker symbol layers.. Any feature that can be represented by a point can be used in a point scene layer.

Point scene layers are automatically thinned to improve performance and visibility at greater distances. Automatic thinning means that not all features are displayed at greater distances. As you zoom in, additional features are displayed until you reach the highest level of detail, when all points will be shown.

Point scene layer

An example of a point scene layer


A point scene layer is only supported in the 3D category of a scene.

You can snap to a point feature layer when snapping is enabled.

To control the visualization and display of a point scene layers, select the layer in the Contents pane, and click the Appearance tab. Set the visibility range of the layer by adjusting the In Beyond Maximum Scale and Out Beyond Minimum Scale scales.

Use Transparency Transparency to set a transparency percentage to see through the layer and reveal information below it, or drag Swipe Swipe to visualize a scene and reveal layers beneath. Modify the layer face culling and lighting options to see through the front or back of the points, depending on which side of the point scene layer you are viewing. Access the Symbology pane to modify the symbology of the point scene layers. To learn more about changing the appearance of a scene layer, see Change the appearance of a feature layer.

To access the general and display properties of a point scene layer, right-click the point scene layer in the Contents pane and click Properties. The Layer Properties dialog box appears.


When displaying a scene layer, you can identify attribute information about a particular feature without making a selection or interfering with an existing selection by opening a pop-up. Use the Explore tool Explore Tool to select a feature, or drag a box while pressing the Ctrl key to select multiple features. The Pop-up pane will display a list of identified features, grouped by layer, along with a formatted list of field attributes. When authoring or consuming a 3D object or point scene layer you can configure the pop-ups.

When using a scene layer without an associated feature layer the statistical information about the scene layer are static, which has an impact on using expression. See: Use of arcade expression for more details.

Definition query

For feature based scene layers, such as point or 3D object scene layers you can use Definition query. If you are working with a scene layer with an associated feature layer the query will use the associated feature layer to get statistical information updated and used within the query. When using an .slpk or a web scene without an associated feature layer the statistics within the scene layer are used.


You can create point scene layers with labels. When authoring a point feature layer as point scene layer you can set one labeling class and the position of the label. When consuming a scene layer with labels enabled you can disable them using the Context menu of the scene layer in ArcGIS Pro. The defined labels can be visualized in ArcGIS clients.

Work with geoprocessing tools

A point scene layer without associated feature layer is not supported as input to any geoprocessing tools except Validate Scene Layer Package .

A scene layer with associated feature layer can be uses as input to geoprocessing tools that support the same geometry type as the associated feature layer. The analysis operation is executed on the associated feature layer and the result is displayed for the scene layer.

Share point scene layers

The point scene layer can be published as a web scene layer or created as a scene layer package (.slpk) file using the Create Point Scene Layer Package tool and uploaded to ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online using the Share Package geoprocessing tool.