Upgrade Scene Layer (Data Management)


Upgrades a scene layer package to the current I3S version in SLPK format or output to i3sREST format for use in ArcGIS Enterprise.


  • Version 1.4 and later scene layer packages can be converted to the latest I3S version.

  • Point cloud scene layers are not currently supported.

  • Use the Texture Optimization parameter to add or remove textures in the output scene layer package.

  • Warnings encountered during the upgrade process may be reported to the tool messages or the output log file. Warnings do not affect display of the scene layer package but may indicate noncompliance with the I3S specification.

  • Scene layer packages can be upgraded to either a folder in the file system or to an object store located in the cloud such as Amazon S3, Azure Blob storage, or Alibaba OSS. The location must be registered as a user-managed data store in ArcGIS Enterprise.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Dataset

The input scene layer package.

Output Folder

The location where the output scene layer package will be created, or the cloud connection file (.acs) to output to i3sREST.

Output Name

The name of the output scene layer.

Output Log File

The output log file that will summarize the results of the evaluation.

Texture Optimization

Specifies the textures that will be optimized according to the target platform where the scene layer package is used. Desktop includes Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms.

  • DesktopTexture formats will be optimized for use in desktop and web platforms. Texture formats will be JPEG and DXT. This is the default.
  • NoneTextures formats will be optimized for use in a desktop platform. The texture format will be JPEG.

arcpy.management.UpgradeSceneLayer(in_dataset, out_folder_path, out_name, {out_log}, {texture_optimization})
NameExplanationData Type

The input scene layer package.


The location where the output scene layer package will be created, or the cloud connection file (.acs) to output to i3sREST.


The name of the output scene layer.


The output log file that will summarize the results of the evaluation.


Specifies the textures that will be optimized according to the target platform where the scene layer package is used. Desktop includes Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms.

  • DESKTOPTexture formats will be optimized for use in desktop and web platforms. Texture formats will be JPEG and DXT. This is the default.
  • NONETextures formats will be optimized for use in a desktop platform. The texture format will be JPEG.

Code sample

UpgradeSceneLayer example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the UpgradeSceneLayer function to upgrade scene layer packages to an object store that can be used in ArcGIS Enterprise publishing workflows.

import arcpy
                                   r"C:\temp\extracted\out.json", "DESKTOP")
UpgradeSceneLayer example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the UpgradeSceneLayer function to upgrade scene layer packages.

import arcpy
arcpy.management.UpgradeSceneLayer(r"C:\temp\buildings.slpk, r"C:\packages", 
                                   r"C:\temp\extracted\out.json", "NONE")


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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