Geoprocessing tools that use credits

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Several geoprocessing tools consume ArcGIS credits when they are run. These tools can be used in the same way as other geoprocessing tools. The only difference is you must be signed in to an ArcGIS Online organizational account and your user name must have privileges to use the given tool. For example, to use the Enrich tool, you must be signed in to ArcGIS Online, and your account must have GeoEnrichment privileges.


Service credit rates may change. See Service Credits Overview for the most up-to-date information.

Estimate credits

Several tools that consume credits allow you to estimate the number of credits needed when the tool is run. To estimate the credits needed, fill in the tool parameters using the data and settings you intend to use. Then in the banner at the top of the tool, click Click to estimate credits. An estimate of the number of credits will display in the banner. Altering the value of any tool parameter will reset the banner. You can then reestimate the number of credits.

Analysis tools

ToolCredit consumptionExample

Uses credits unless you've installed and selected a Business Analyst Data Source. Credit consumption is 1 credit per 100 variables or features. If a drive time is used to define areas to enrich, additional credit consumption is 0.5 credits per drive time.

You can enrich 100 features with 1 variable and the cost will be 1 credit, or you can enrich 50 features with 4 variables and the cost will be 2 credits. If you enrich a 20-minute drive time around 20 points with 5 enrichment variables, the cost will be 11 credits.

Summarize Nearby

Uses credits when you run the tool using a network-based Distance Measurement such as Driving time or Driving distance. Credit consumption is 0.5 credits per distance and per feature.

If there are 10 input features and you summarize within a driving time of 10 minutes, the cost will be 5 credits.

Business Analyst tools

The following Business Analyst tools will consume credits if ArcGIS Online is the active Business Analyst Data Source. Some of the Business Analyst tools listed below utilize a credit estimator.


Credit consumption estimates may differ slightly from the actual amount used during processing. For example, generating multiple radii within an Arcade expression or clearing selected features prior to running the tool may result in higher credit usage.

ToolCredit consumptionExample
Assign Customers by Distance

Uses credits when you use ArcGIS Online as the active Business Analyst Data Source. Credit consumption is .00005 credits per input origin and destination pair.

If there are 10 store origins and 2,000 customer destinations, the cost will be 10 credits.

Add Variable Based Suitability Criteria

Uses credits when you use ArcGIS Online as the active Business Analyst Data Source. Credit consumption is 1 credit per 100 attributes (data variables multiplied by the number of input features).

You can enrich 100 features with 1 variable and the cost will be 1 credit, or you can enrich 50 features with 4 variables and the cost will be 2 credits. If you enrich a 20-minute drive time around 20 points with 5 enrichment variables, the cost will be 11 credits.

Color Coded Layer

Uses credits when you use ArcGIS Online as the active Business Analyst Data Source. Running the tool does not consume credits; however, every map request made to the output color-coded layer will result in 1 credit per 100 map requests (pan, zoom, and identify).

You can select one variable as a color-coded layer. If you then pan or zoom the map 100 times, the cost will be 1 credit.

Enrich Layer

Uses credits when you use ArcGIS Online as the active Business Analyst Data Source. Credit consumption is 1 credit per 100 attributes (data variables multiplied by the number of input features).

You can enrich 100 features with 1 variable and the cost will be 1 credit, or you can enrich 50 features with 4 variables and the cost will be 2 credits. If you enrich a 20-minute drive time around 20 points with 5 enrichment variables, the cost will be 11 credits.

Find Nearby Locations

Uses credits when you use ArcGIS Online as the active Business Analyst Data Source. Credit consumption is 0.0005 credits per input origin-destination pair. The first distance limit parameter met is used to determine consumption.

A 10 (origins) by 100 (destinations) matrix will generate 1,000 origin-destination pairs, and the cost will be 0.5 credits.

Generate Approximate Drive Times

Uses credits when you use ArcGIS Online as the active Business Analyst Data Source. Credit consumption is 0.5 credits per drive time polygon.

If you run the tool for 20 locations, each location may need 10 iterations to reach the approximate drive time resulting in 0.2 credits.

Generate Customer Derived Trade Areas

Uses credits when you use ArcGIS Online as the active Business Analyst Data Source. Credits are consumed only when the trade area method is set to Threshold Drive Time. Internally, two operations incur credits: Threshold Drive Time per iteration (0.5 credits per polygon) and GeoEnrichment request (0.01 credits per view).

A Threshold Drive Time takes approximately 6 to 12 iterations to reach one drive time polygon. Restrict the number of iterations with the Iterations Limit parameter.

If you run threshold drive times for two locations, each location may need 10 iterations to reach the threshold variable, followed by one GeoEnrichment request to retrieve the selected variable, resulting in 10.1 credits used.

Generate Desire Lines

Uses credits when you use ArcGIS Online as the active Business Analyst Data Source. Credit consumption is 0.0005 credits per input origin-destination pair.

A 10 (origin) by 100 (destinations) matrix will generate 1,000 origin-destination pairs, and the cost will be 0.5 credits.

Generate Drive Time Trade Area

Uses credits when you use ArcGIS Online as the active Business Analyst Data Source. Credit consumption is 0.5 credits per drive time polygon.

If there are 10 facilities and you specify 5- and 10-minute drive times, the total cost will be 10 credits.

Generate Points from Business Listings

Uses credits when you use ArcGIS Online as the active Business Analyst Data Source. Credit consumption is 10 credits per 1,000 business records downloaded.

You can search for all businesses in an extent and initially locate 1,000 and filter the results to 500 businesses. If you run this analysis and save the outputted records locally as a layer, the cost will be 5 credits.

Generate Threshold Drive Times

Uses credits when you use ArcGIS Online as the active Business Analyst Data Source. Credits are consumed for each Threshold Drive Time per iteration (0.5 credits per polygon) and GeoEnrichment request (0.01 credits per view).

A Threshold Drive Time takes approximately 6 to 12 iterations to reach one drive time polygon. Restrict the number of iterations with the Iterations Limit parameter.

If you run threshold drive times for two locations, each location may need 10 iterations to reach the threshold variable, followed by one GeoEnrichment request to retrieve the selected variable, resulting in 10.1 credits used.

Generate Threshold Rings

Uses credits when you use ArcGIS Online as the active Business Analyst Data Source. Credits are consumed for each GeoEnrichment request per iteration (0.01 credits).

A Threshold ring may take approximately 15 iterations to reach one ring polygon.

If you run threshold rings for 10 locations, each location may need 15 iterations to reach the threshold variable, resulting in 1.5 credits used.

Measure Cannibalization

Uses credits when you use ArcGIS Online as the active Business Analyst Data Source. Credits are only consumed if variables are added from the data browser as Additional Metrics. Credit consumption is 1 credit per 100 attributes (data variables multiplied by the number of input features).

You can enrich 25 features with 4 variables and the cost will be 1 credit, or you can enrich 10 features with 20 variables and the cost will be 2 credits.

Summary Reports

Uses credits when you use ArcGIS Online as the active Business Analyst Data Source. Credit consumption is 10 credits per report.

If you run 10 reports on one trade area, the cost will be 100 credits, regardless of the number of pages per report.

Geocoding tools

The following geocoding tools will consume credits when you run the tool using the ArcGIS World Geocoding Service as the Input Address Locator.

ToolCredit consumptionExample
Geocode Addresses

Uses 40 credits per 1,000 addresses geocoded.

If the address table has 1,000 rows, the cost will be 40 credits.

Rematch Addresses

Uses 40 credits per 1,000 addresses rematched.

If the geocode results layer has 1,000 unmatched rows, the cost will be 40 credits.

Reverse Geocode

Uses 40 credits per 1,000 addresses geocoded.

If the input layer has 1,000 points, the cost will be 40 credits.

Network Analyst tools

The following Network Analyst tool will consume credits when the network analysis layer references ArcGIS Online as the network data source. The tool does not consume credits when the network analysis layer references a local network dataset.

ToolCredit consumptionExample

Credit consumption is determined by the type of network analysis layer you're solving. See the Ready to use tools Network analysis section to determine credit consumption for various types of analysis.

For examples, see the Ready to use tools Network analysis section below.

Public Transit tools

ToolCredit consumptionExample
Calculate Transit Service Frequency

Uses credits when you calculate the frequency of public transit service at points of interest or in areas and use ArcGIS Online as the network data source.

When calculating the frequency of public transit service for areas, the tool internally uses the Service Area service. Credit consumption is the same as for the Generate Service Areas tool documented in the Network analysis section. The exact number of credits used depends on the number of public transit stops in the system (used as facilities).

When calculating the frequency of public transit service for points of interest, the tool internally uses the Origin Destination Cost Matrix service. Credit consumption is the same as for the Origin Destination Cost Matrix tool documented in the Network analysis section. The exact number of credits used depends on the number of features in the input points of interest (used as origins) and the number of public transit stops in the system (used as destinations).

If you use a travel distance limit, the tool attempts to reduce the OD Cost Matrix size using a simple straight-line distance selection first. This may eliminate some origins and destinations from the OD Cost Matrix analysis in advance, thus reducing the number of credits needed. In this case, the number of origin-destination pairs will always be less than or equal to the number of points of interest times the number of public transit stops. This optimization is not possible if the travel limit is not based on distance, however. In that case, the number of origin-destination pairs is exactly the number of points of interest times the number of public transit stops.

If the number of inputs is large enough to exceed the number of allowed inputs for a single analysis run by the service, the tool will split the inputs into chunks. If the travel limit is based on distance, the tool will repeat the simple straight-line selection for each chunk. When this is the case, you can further reduce the problem size by spatially sorting the input data using the Sort tool with the Spatial Sort Method parameter's Peano option prior to running the Calculate Transit Service Frequency tool. Sorted data yields clustered chunks, which increases the likelihood of eliminating a larger number of irrelevant destinations for each chunk of origins. See the origin and destination limits for the OD Cost Matrix service

If you are calculating the frequency of public transit for areas, and your public transit system has 1,000 stops, you will be generating 1,000 service area polygons. At a cost of 0.5 credits per service area, running the tool will consume 500 credits.

If you are calculating the frequency of public transit at 10 points of interest, and your public transit system has 1,000 stops, you will have 10 origins and 1,000 destinations, or 10,000 origin-destination pairs. At a cost of 0.0005 credits per origin-destination pair, running the tool will consume a maximum of 5 credits. The tool may consume fewer credits due to optimizations that reduce the problem size prior to calling the OD Cost Matrix service.

Generate Shapes Features From GTFS

Uses credits when you generate shapes based on a road network and use ArcGIS Online as the network data source.

Internally, the tool uses the Route service. Credit consumption is the same as for the Find Routes tool's simple route option documented in the Network analysis section.

The tool calculates one simple route per unique shape required by your transit system. Each shape represents a unique sequence of stops used by a transit vehicle. In general, the number of shapes required is at minimum the number of routes present in your GTFS data, but often each route requires multiple shapes. For a typical transit system, the number of shapes may be two or three times greater than the number of routes. It is not possible to calculate the exact number in advance of running the tool because the tool must analyze the entire GTFS dataset to find all unique sequences of stops.

No credits are consumed if you use a network dataset as the network data source or if you generate shapes using straight lines instead of a road network.

If your GTFS dataset requires 100 shapes, 100 simple routes will be calculated. At 0.005 credits per simple route, running the tool will consume 0.5 credits.

Ready to use service tools

These services are hosted on ArcGIS Online. The tools can be accessed in the Ready To Use tools gallery or through an ArcGIS Server connection.


These service tools can be accessed at


Elevation tools no longer consume credits and can be used for free.

  • Profile
  • Summarize Elevation
  • Viewshed


These service tools can be accessed at


Hydrology tools no longer consume credits and can be used for free.

  • Trace Downstream
  • Watershed

Network analysis

These service tools can be accessed at

ToolCredit consumptionExample

Find Closest Facilities

Uses 0.5 credits per closest facilities route.

If there are 10 incident points and 2 facilities, the cost will be 5 credits if all 10 incident points can be successfully routed to a facility.

Find Routes

Uses 0.005 credits per simple route.

Uses 0.5 credits per optimized route.

If there are 2 stops, the cost of the route will be 0.005 credits. If there are 10 stops, the cost of the route remains 0.005 credits. For these routes, the order of stops is determined by the order of the records in the stops table. If you choose the option to reorder the stops to optimize travel time, the cost will be 0.5 credits.

Generate Service Areas

Uses 0.5 credits per service area or drive time.

If there are 10 facilities and you specify drive times of 5 and 10 minutes, the cost will be 10 credits.

Origin Destination Cost Matrix

Uses 0.0005 credits per input origin and destination pair.

If there are 100 origins and 200 destinations, the cost will be 10 credits. If you specify a cutoff, or limit the number of destinations, such as to find only the 5 closest destinations within 10 minutes of every origin, the cost will still be 10 credits, as the credits depend on the number of input origin-destination pairs.

Solve Location Allocation

Uses 0.1 credits per demand point.

If there are 5 facilities to evaluate and 100 demand points to allocate to those facilities, the cost will be 10 credits.

Solve Vehicle Routing Problem

Uses 1 credit per VRP route.

If you're routing 5 vehicles through 100 total stops, the cost will be 5 credits.