Create default Indoors categories

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Available with the ArcGIS Indoors Pro or ArcGIS Indoors Maps extension.

Categories in a map define how users interact with point and polygon data in Indoor Viewer and Indoors mobile apps. These layers can be derived from feature layers, web feature layers, and map image layers. These categories can be organized into logical groups to help  Indoors  app users quickly find relevant information, such as a bike rack, elevator, conference room, or work order.

You must configure the map as floor aware by setting the map's Indoor Layers properties before creating categories.

You can use the Create Default Indoors Category wizard to create categories automatically from a map layer based on the layer’s symbology. The wizard uses layer and symbol properties to configure default categories that can later be edited in the Configure Indoors Categories pane to meet your organizational needs.

Define the categories by layer

The wizard is contextually driven by the active map and uses properties from the map contents to prepopulate parameters. The categories created by the wizard persist in the selected map layer, so changing the active map after opening the wizard resets the wizard and deletes the unfinished changes. Consider how Indoors layer configuration affects default category creation:

  • The wizard supports creating default categories for layers symbolized using single symbol or unique values symbology. For layers with single symbol symbology, the wizard creates a single category. For layers with unique values symbology, it creates as many categories as there are symbol values, unless you are using an all other values symbol class.
  • If a layer's symbology is based on a field that is not part of that layer's schema, it does not appear as an option in the wizard and you cannot create default categories from it. Ensure that the layer's symbology is updated when you update the layer's schema.
  • Set a text field for the layer's Display field option on the Layer Properties dialog box. Only text fields are supported by Indoors apps for search and search suggestion functionality.

Follow these steps to create default categories for a layer using the Create Default Indoors Categories wizard:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Open or create an ArcGIS Indoors map.
  3. Ensure that the map is configured as floor aware.
  4. Click the View tab and click Indoors > Configure Indoors Categories.

    The Configure Indoors Categories pane appears.

  5. In the Categories view, click the Create Default Indoors Categories button Create Default Indoors Categories.

    The Create Default Indoors Categories wizard appears.

    The Define pane lists existing point and polygon layers in the active map that are symbolized using single symbol or unique values symbology.


    You can also access the wizard through the following:

    • Click the Create Default Indoors Categories button Create Default Indoors Categories in the Explore or Layers view.
    • Right-click a layer in the Layers view and click Create Default Indoors Categories.

  6. Choose the layer from which to derive the default categories.

    Keep the following in mind when choosing a layer:

    • Category configuration reflects the chosen layer and changing the chosen layer resets the wizard parameters.
    • Map layers with broken data sources don't display in the layer list. Repair the map layers to make them visible in the Define pane.
    • Ensure that your map is configured as floor aware and that the layer you select contains a level ID field that matches the level ID field for the Levels layer you set as the Floors parameter in the map's Indoor Layers properties.
  7. Click the Category Group drop-down arrow and choose the group to which you want to associate the new category.

    The list shows the existing Indoors categories. By default, the tool sets a category group based on the layer name. If a category group with the same name as the layer doesn’t exist, the wizard creates one and associates categories to it.

    Optionally, you can create stand-alone categories by setting the default value to None.

  8. Click Next.

Map fields to the Indoors model

When configuring categories, you can provide field mapping to define fields in the layer that describe the fields used in the Indoors web and mobile apps. This includes a required unique ID field as well as optional fields for subtitle, display, and work order properties. Configure the map as floor aware by setting the map's Indoor Layers properties before creating categories.


If you do not configure the map as floor aware before configuring categories, you must provide fields that identify the feature's associated facility and associated level.

The following field mapping is required:

  • Unique ID

The following field mappings are optional:

  • Subtitle field
  • Display field (only available for web layers)
  • Work order fields

Unique ID

Some systems available for publishing feature layers don’t reliably provide a static object ID. A static unique ID is required to support  Indoors. Map this field to a unique ID represented in another available field.


Unique ID

Static unique ID for the feature.

Indoors  defaults to using the layer’s object ID as a unique ID for a web layer’s features. However, this is not always appropriate, as  Indoors uses a static unique ID for the features in a web layer that will not change over the lifetime of the feature.

Additional properties

These field mappings are optional:



Displays subtitles in the various parts of Indoor Viewer.

Display field

Displays titles for features in various parts of  Viewer.

This is required if the feature layer doesn’t include a display field property or you want to override the display field property of the layer.

Work order properties

These field mappings are required if you want to take advantage of the work order listing capabilities of  Indoors. Omitting these additional field mappings in the category definition for a work order feature layer results in the layer being treated as a traditional web layer in Viewer and  Indoors mobile apps with the traditional explore experience for feature layers.

The following are required field mappings to configure work orders as Indoors categories:


Work Order ID

Defines an identifying number for each work order.


The short description of the work order that can be a readable title for the record.


Sequence or priority in which a work order needs to be resolved.

The value should be a text description of the priority that can be displayed to the app user.

Example—Critical, High, Medium


Status or current position of the work order in its life cycle.

The value should be a text description of the status that can be displayed to the app user.

Example—Planning, Assigned

Created On Date

The date and time the work order was created.

Created By

The person who reported or is affected by the work order.

Assigned To

The name of the agent to whom the work order is assigned.

Add field mappings

Complete the following steps to add the required field mappings for a category:

  1. If the source layer does not conform to the Indoors model, map the unique ID field.
  2. Optionally, map the additional properties to define a subtitle field and display field for use in Viewer. This is required if you are configuring a work order category.

    Display field mapping is only available for feature layers. For stand-alone layers, set the display field in the layer properties.

  3. Optionally, complete the field mapping for work order integration. This is required if you are configuring a work order category.
  4. Click Finish to save the category configuration.

    If there are any invalid or missing parameters, the Finish option is unavailable and the Create Default Indoors Categories wizard indicates which pane contains the error with a red outline around the corresponding navigation breadcrumb. You can still move through the wizard to make changes.

Example field mapping

The following table is an example of attribute mapping for Indoors and ServiceNow work order feature layer integration:

Mapping propertyField name

Work Order ID








Created On Date


Created By


Assigned To


Edit default category configuration

Some of the properties for the default categories are automatically configured from the selected layer properties, but you can change them in the Configure Indoors Categories pane.

You can change the following:

You can also change the following by right-clicking a category in the Configure Indoors Categories pane and choosing the property you want to edit:

Category names

By default, the names of categories are based on the layer’s symbology labels. These are the names that appear as categories with icons in the Explore panel of Indoor Viewer and Indoors mobile apps. You can rename the categories after they are created.


Categories must have unique names. If an existing category has a name that matches a symbol label, the wizard creates the new category and appends the number of duplicates to the name.

Category order

Categories created using the Create Default Indoors Categories wizard are listed in alphabetical order in the Configure Indoors Categories pane.

You can organize categories or category groups in the order you want them to display in the Explore panel of the Indoors apps. You can do this from the Explore or Categories views of the Configure Indoors Categories pane.

Category filter expression

The wizard applies a filter expression for the default categories based on the layer’s symbol values for layers with unique values symbology. No filter is applied for categories created from layers that use single symbol symbology.

For example, if the selected layer is symbolized based on the USE_TYPE field, the wizard applies filter expressions to define the features included in the default categories:


Search fields

Search fields are required to support the search experience in Indoors apps. The wizard sets search fields for default categories based on the layer’s display field. You can edit search fields or choose additional fields as your default search fields.


Only text fields are supported by the Indoors search. Certain fields such as ObjectIDGlobalID, or fields that are not supported are restricted from use and aren’t available.

Suggestion template

The wizard configures a suggestion template for the default categories based on the layer’s Display field option value. If you mapped a display property in the Field Mappings pane for web layers, this is used as the suggestion template.


Only text fields are supported by the Indoors search suggestion. Certain fields such as ObjectIDGlobalID, or fields that are not supported are restricted from use and aren’t available.


Icons are necessary for categories and category groups to display in the Explore panel and in other areas of the Indoors apps. Icons for default categories are automatically populated using a single symbol or unique values from the source layer’s symbology. The wizard scales the icons to the appropriate size for use in Indoors apps. Category groups are assigned a default icon.


For polygon features, an icon is created based on the polygon symbology of the layer. This icon is used in the Explore panel in the Indoors apps but does not affect the polygon symbology on the Indoors map.