ArcGIS Pro 3.2 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Voxel Namespace / VoxelVolume Class / CreateSection Method
The definition of the section to be created
Example Version

CreateSection Method
Create a (dynamic) section. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
public void CreateSection( 
   SectionDefinition sectionDef


The definition of the section to be created
This method or property must be called within the lambda passed to QueuedTask.Run
Invalid section definition specified
Section is null
Section definitions must have both a SectionDefinition.VoxelPosition and SectionDefinition.Normal specified or an ArgumentException will be thrown.
Create a Section at the Voxel MidPoint
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()

if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)

//To stop the Voxel Exploration Dockpane activating use:
voxelLayer.AutoShowExploreDockPane = false;
//This is useful if u have your own dockpane currently activated...
//Normally, it would be set in your dockpane

//Create a section that cuts the volume in two on the vertical plane

//At 2.x - var volume = voxelLayer.GetVolumeSize();

//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var volumeSize = volume.GetVolumeSize();

//Orientation 90 degrees (due West), Tilt 0 degrees
var normal = voxelLayer.GetNormal(90, 0.0);

//Position must be specified in voxel space

//At 2.x -
//voxelLayer.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
//    Name = "Middle Section",
//    VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volume.Item1 / 2, volume.Item2 / 2, volume.Item3 / 2),
//    Normal = normal,
//    IsVisible = true
volume.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
    Name = "Middle Section",
    VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.X / 2, volumeSize.Y / 2, volumeSize.Z / 2),
    Normal = normal,
    IsVisible = true

//reset if needed...Normally this might be when your dockpane
//was de-activated (ie "closed")
voxelLayer.AutoShowExploreDockPane = true;
Create a Horizontal Section
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()

if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)

//Create a section that cuts the volume in two on the horizontal plane
//At 2.x - var volumeSize = voxelLayer.GetVolumeSize();

//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var volumeSize = volume.GetVolumeSize();

//Or use normal (0, 0, 1) or (0, 0, -1)...
var horz_section = SectionDefinition.CreateHorizontalSectionDefinition();

horz_section.Name = "Horizontal Section";
horz_section.IsVisible = true;
horz_section.VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.X / 2, volumeSize.Y / 2, volumeSize.Z / 2);

//At 2.x - voxelLayer.CreateSection(horz_section);
Create Sections in a Circle Pattern
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()

if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)

//At 2.x - var volumeSize = voxelLayer.GetVolumeSize();

//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var volumeSize = volume.GetVolumeSize();

//180 degrees orientation is due South. 90 degrees orientation is due west.
var south = 180.0;
var num_sections = 12;
var spacing = 1 / (double)num_sections;

//Create a section every nth degree of orientation. Each section
//bisects the middle of the voxel
for (int s = 0; s < num_sections; s++)
    var orientation = south * (s * spacing);
    //At 2.x -
    //voxelLayer.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
    //    Name = $"Circle {s + 1}",
    //    VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.Item1 / 2, volumeSize.Item2 / 2, volumeSize.Item3 / 2),
    //    Normal = voxelLayer.GetNormal(orientation, 0.0),
    //    IsVisible = true

    volume.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
        Name = $"Circle {s + 1}",
        VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.X / 2, volumeSize.Y / 2, volumeSize.Z / 2),
        Normal = voxelLayer.GetNormal(orientation, 0.0),
        IsVisible = true
Create Sections that Bisect the Voxel
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()

if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)

//At 2.x - var volumeSize = voxelLayer.GetVolumeSize();

//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var volumeSize = volume.GetVolumeSize();

//Make three Normals - each is a Unit Vector (x, y, z)
var north_south = new Coordinate3D(1, 0, 0);
var east_west = new Coordinate3D(0, 1, 0);
var horizontal = new Coordinate3D(0, 0, 1);

int n = 0;
//The two verticals bisect the x,y plane. The horizontal normal bisects
//the Z plane.
foreach (var normal in new List<Coordinate3D> { north_south, east_west, horizontal })
    //At 2.x -
    //voxelLayer.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
    //    Name = $"Cross {++n}",
    //    VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.Item1 / 2, volumeSize.Item2 / 2, volumeSize.Item3 / 2),
    //    Normal = normal,
    //    IsVisible = true

    volume.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
        Name = $"Cross {++n}",
        VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.X / 2, volumeSize.Y / 2, volumeSize.Z / 2),
        Normal = normal,
        IsVisible = true
Create Sections Diagonally across the Voxel
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()

if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)

//At 2.x - var volumeSize = voxelLayer.GetVolumeSize();

//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var volumeSize = volume.GetVolumeSize();

//make a diagonal across the voxel
var voxel_pos = new Coordinate3D(0, 0, volumeSize.Z);
var voxel_pos_ur = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.X, volumeSize.Y, volumeSize.Z);

var lineBuilder = new LineBuilderEx(voxel_pos, voxel_pos_ur, null);
var diagonal = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(lineBuilder.ToSegment());

var num_sections = 12;
var spacing = 1 / (double)num_sections;

//change as needed
var orientation = 20.0; //(approx NNW)
var tilt = -15.0;

var normal = voxelLayer.GetNormal(orientation, tilt);

for (int s = 0; s < num_sections; s++)
    Coordinate2D end_pt = new Coordinate2D(0, 0);
    if (s > 0)
        //position each section evenly spaced along the diagonal
        var segments = new List<Segment>() as ICollection<Segment>;
        var part = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetSubCurve3D(
                diagonal, 0.0, s * spacing, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio);
        part.GetAllSegments(ref segments);
        end_pt = segments.First().EndCoordinate;

    //At 2.x -
    //voxelLayer.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
    //    Name = $"Diagonal {s + 1}",
    //    VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(end_pt.X, end_pt.Y, volumeSize.Item3),
    //    Normal = normal,
    //    IsVisible = true

    volume.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
        Name = $"Diagonal {s + 1}",
        VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(end_pt.X, end_pt.Y, volumeSize.Z),
        Normal = normal,
        IsVisible = true

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
See Also