Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the ArcGIS IPS extension.
The IPS Data Model supports the management of information necessary to configure indoor positioning in IPS-aware maps.
Before creating IPS data, you must create feature classes and tables necessary for setting up an indoor positioning system that conforms to the IPS Data Model.
The following layers from the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model are required to support IPS dataset functionality:
- Sites—Boundaries of managed sites that are used for visualization in mapmaking.
- Facilities—Footprints of managed facilities.
- Levels—Footprint of each level contained in managed facilities.
The following Indoors layers are optional, but it is recommended that you include them for improved functionality and visualization:
- Units—Footprints of nonoverlapping individual functional areas, such as workspaces, amenities, retail spaces, elevators, and stairways.
- Details—Linear assets, such as walls, doors, and windows.
- Pathways—Network pathways for routing between locations on the same level.
- Transitions—Network transitions are used for routing between levels.
For ArcGIS IPS, transitions define facility entrances and exits.
Pathways and Transitions are enabled for ArcGIS IPS if you check the Setup Indoors Model for IPS parameter while creating the ArcGIS IPS Data Model.
Create the ArcGIS IPS Data Model
Follow these steps to create the ArcGIS IPS Data Model:
- Start ArcGIS Pro.
- Create a map project.
- Create a file geodatabase, or locate an existing file or enterprise geodatabase to create the ArcGIS IPS data model.
- On the Analysis tab, click Tools
The Geoprocessing pane appears.
- In the Geoprocessing pane, click the Toolboxes tab.
- Expand Indoor Positioning Tools.
- Click the Create IPS Data Model tool.
The Create IPS Data Model tool opens in the Geoprocessing pane.
- Configure the following parameters:
- Click Browse
next to Target Workspace to choose an empty file or enterprise geodatabase.
- Click the Select Coordinate System button
to choose the spatial reference that is most appropriate for your data.
- The optional Setup Indoors Model for IPS parameter, if checked, creates and configures the following empty feature classes from the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model that are either required or enable the full range of capabilities of
the ArcGIS IPS: Sites, Facilities, Levels, Pathways, and Transitions.
By default, the Setup Indoors Model for IPS parameter is unchecked. If you have an Indoors dataset available and are planning to manually configure transitions and pathways, keep this parameter unchecked.
- Click Browse
- Click Run.
In the Catalog pane, browse to the newly created dataset and inspect its contents.