Download and install product files

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive

Available with the ArcGIS Indoors Pro or ArcGIS Indoors Maps extension.

Product data files provide a framework that helps ensure standardization and consistency in your indoor GIS. Preconfigured map templates, attribute rules, symbology, topology, and quality checks help you produce high-quality content that you can use to publish maps, perform analysis, and share the results throughout your organization.

ArcGIS Pro product data files work with ArcGIS Indoors. Once ArcGIS Pro is installed and licensed, you can download and install the product data files.


Download options can be viewed after you sign in to My Esri.


You must have the appropriate privileges to access downloads from your My Esri account.

  1. Sign in to My Esri.
  2. Click the Downloads tab.

    A list of the latest versions for various software options appears.

  3. Click the software with the product files you want to download.

    The expanded Product components node for the software appears. Downloadable content is organized by node.

  4. Locate the row for ArcGIS Indoors in the Data and Content node, and click Download.

    Expand the Data and content node if necessary.

    The product files installer download begins.


The downloaded product files contain the setup program.

  1. Start the extraction program you downloaded in the previous steps.
  2. Optionally, change the destination folder for the extraction.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Click Close.

    The Launch the setup program check box is checked by default and starts the product file installation.


    Uncheck Launch the setup program before clicking Close to run the setup program later. Browse to the location of the installer to launch the installer (.msi file) at a later time.

  5. Click Next.
  6. Review the license agreement and accept it if you agree.
  7. Click Next.

    The setup program Destination Folder page appears with the default installation location prepopulated:

    C:\Program Data\ESRI\Indoors

  8. Optionally, click Change to choose a different destination folder.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Click Install.
  11. Click Finish.

    The product files are installed to the defined location.

ArcGIS Indoors product file folders

The  ArcGIS Indoors product files installer contains product files used in indoor data and map production. The product files installer for ArcGIS Indoors copies the following folders to the installation folder:

<Installation location>\Indoors\Product Files\<Version>

  • Attribute Rules—A collection of attribute rules you can use when updating data in the Indoors workspace, including calculation and constraint rules that automatically populate attributes and z-values based on floor-aware relationships in an existing Indoors workspace.

    Learn more about attribute rules for feature editing

  • Map Templates—A collection of .mapx files for use as a foundation when creating floor-aware maps and scenes. To use these map templates, connect the map layers to corresponding feature classes in your Indoors workspace. The following templates are included and can be used for the described cases:
  • SampleData—A collection of sample data for use in configuring floor-aware maps and Indoors apps. The following data is included:
    • ArcGIS Indoors Sample—A sample project that includes floor-aware maps, a scene, and a routable network configured for use with Indoors apps. Use this sample project to explore floor-aware maps, the indoor routable network, the Indoors model schema, and indoor categories. You can share the floor-aware maps included in the sample project to create Indoors apps and use Indoor Viewer, Indoor Space Planner, Indoor Floor Plan Editor, and Indoors mobile.
    • Palette—A sample geodatabase that includes three feature classes to use as a template for creating a custom palette for objects (such as windows, doors, and furniture) you can place in Floor Plan Editor. Each feature class has a defined projection, and features are measured in planar distance.

      The spatial reference of the palette used in Floor Plan Editor must match the spatial reference of your indoor data. If your indoor data is not in the same spatial reference as a sample palette, you must project the sample palette before adding additional features. If you project the sample palette, you must also recalculate the anchor points to match the new coordinate system.

  • Symbology—A collection of .png, .stylx, and .rpk files to use when symbolizing points of interest, categories, floor plan features, and textured facades in a floor-aware map or scene.
  • Topology—A collection of topology checks for use in quality control workflows within your existing Indoors workspace. Some examples of issues checked for include overlapping Facilities features, self-intersecting Details features, and Unit features not contained within Level features.