Publish services

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive

If your organization has deployed a stand-alone ArcGIS Server, you can share several types of services from ArcGIS Pro. When you publish a service, the server makes it available through a service URL or REST endpoint. Client applications can use the URL to access the service. Services can also be added directly to ArcGIS Pro through an ArcGIS Server connection.

To publish a service, your project must contain a publisher or administrator connection to a stand-alone ArcGIS Server 10.6 or later. For more information, see Connect to a GIS server.

The following types of services can be published from ArcGIS Pro:

Automate publishing services

You can automate publishing and updating services with Python by using a combination of ArcPy functions and geoprocessing tools in the Publishing toolset.

  1. First, use CreateSharingDraft to create a MapServiceDraft, or use the CreateGeocodeSDDraft or CreateGPSDDraft ArcPy functions.

    To overwrite a map service, modify the overwriteExistingService property of the sharing draft. For more information, see MapServiceDraft.

  2. Next, use the Stage Service geoprocessing tool to stage the service definition. Staging takes the service definition draft and consolidates all the information needed to publish the service into a complete service definition.
  3. Finally, use the Upload Service Definition geoprocessing tool to upload the service definition and publish the service.

Learn more about sharing with ArcPy

Learn more about using tools in Python