Trajectory files can be visualized, explored, and analyzed in ArcGIS Pro.
Create a trajectory dataset
Trajectory files can be managed and analyzed in ArcGIS Pro as trajectory datasets and layers. A dataset can be created using the Create Trajectory Dataset tool, which builds a container in a geodatabase to store the footprint geometries, metadata, and references for the trajectory files. Trajectory files and selected variables can then be added to the empty trajectory dataset using the Add Data to Trajectory Dataset tool. The new trajectory dataset will contain the point measurements from each file.
Create a trajectory layer
A trajectory layer can be created from trajectory files or an existing trajectory dataset using the Make Trajectory Layer tool. The composite layer includes a polygon feature layer that displays the trajectory footprints and a read-only point feature layer that displays the trajectory measurement points for each file. Each trajectory in a layer references a dense set of measurement points. The point sublayer is turned off by default to avoid unnecessary drawing.
The point sublayer supports basic symbology, selection, or query of a feature layer. You can also export points to a point feature class using the Export Points tool, located under the Data tab.

Analyze trajectory data
Trajectory datasets contain series of multitemporal points that can be analyzed using geoprocessing tools that work with point feature classes. These points can also be interpolated into a raster surface using the Optimal Interpolation tool or a multidimensional raster surface using the Interpolate from Spatiotemporal Points tool. With ArcGIS Image Analyst, you can use tools in the Multidimensional Analysis toolset to visualize and analyze the interpolated data.

Trajectory data can also be analyzed and visualized using the trajectory profile chart.