Sets the return message of a script tool as an output message by index.
There are times when you may want to return all messages from a tool you've called, regardless of message severity. Using the index parameter, AddReturnMessage will return a message from the last tool executed. The severity of the message (warning, error, and so on, is preserved).
Geoprocessing error numbers shown in the progress dialog box are hyperlinks to a help page that further describes the error. To enable hyperlinks for errors in your script, use the AddReturnMessage function instead of the AddError function, as follows:
import arcpy
result = arcpy.GetCount_management("c:/data/rivers.shp")
# Return Geoprocessing tool specific errors
for msg in range(0, arcpy.GetMessageCount()):
if arcpy.GetSeverity(msg) == 2:
AddReturnMessage (index)
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
index | The message index. | Integer |
Exemple de code
Returns all messages from the last tool executed as script tool output messages.
import arcpy
# Set current workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/data/base.gdb"
arcpy.Buffer_analysis("roads", "roads_buffer_1000", "1000 feet")
# Return the resulting messages as script tool output messages
for i in range(0, arcpy.GetMessageCount()):