The ClearCredentials function removes ArcGIS Server credential information from a client machine to disable access to secured services.
Credential information can be imported using the arcpy.ImportCredentials function. The ClearCredentials function can be used to remove ArcGIS Server credential information from a client machine to disable access to secured services when finished. The ClearCredentials function can also be used to print web maps that contain secured services from ArcGIS Server.
ClearCredentials (connections)
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
connections [connections,...] | A list of dictionaries with key-value pairs of credential information obtained from the arcpy.ImportCredentials function. | Dictionary |
Exemple de code
import arcpy
# import credentials
secured_credentials = arcpy.ImportCredentials([r"C:\Project\SecuredServices.ags"])
aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject(r"C:\Project\USA.aprx")
m = aprx.listMaps()[0]
# add secured service to map
# clear credentials when finished