ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing can be used with a gas utility network in ArcGIS by integrating a linear referencing system centerline feature class and the Extension ArcGIS Utility Network Management pipeline feature class.
In ArcGIS, a utility network is a comprehensive framework for modeling utility systems, such as gas and electric. The Utility Network is designed to model all the components that make up your system, such as pipes, valves, and devices, allowing you to build real-world behavior into the features you model.
The sections below highlight the information model changes needed to take advantage of both Pipeline Referencing and the Utility Network together. Guidance is also provided for loading data and publishing services with data managed by both capabilities. Additionally, there are changes to editing and analysis tools utilizing data used by both Pipeline Referencing and the Utility Network.
You are free to use an out-of-the-box data model or customize a data model to meet your organization's rules and requirements, so long as the required feature classes and tables in the Pipeline Referencing information model and Utility Network gas configuration are present. The Utility and Pipeline Data Model (UPDM) contains all the feature classes, tables, and relationship classes needed to support both a Utility Network and a Pipeline Referencing LRS in a single database.
You can simplify the deployment process for a utility network based on UPDM by using the geoprocessing tools provided for this purpose: Configure Utility Network Feature Class and Update Measures From LRS.
Learn more about Utility Network creation and configuration
To create a custom data model other than UPDM, make sure the required feature classes and tables for a utility network and an LRS are present. This includes the shared centerline feature, which should be part of both the utility network and the LRS.
In a Utility Network gas configuration, the pipeline feature class represents all of the pipe in the system. In a combined Utility Network and Pipeline Referencing deployment, this pipeline feature class also serves as the centerline feature class in the Pipeline Referencing information model.
Additionally, the gas configuration of a utility network has many critical attributes modeled on the pipeline feature class. The shared feature class described below is the integration point between the two products. In the past, these attributes would have been modeled in separate LRS events. To prevent the need to model these attributes in different feature classes, the pipeline feature class can also have route and measure fields modeled such as an event that can then be updated using Pipeline Referencing tools.
Remarque :
Other Utility Network features, such as Devices and Junctions, can also store route and measures if desired.
Remarque :
The Centerline feature class and the Utility Network pipeline feature class are associated by the Configure Utility Network Feature Class tool.

The following are required feature classes for the Pipeline Referencing schema to integrate with a Utility Network:
- Centerline
- Centerline Sequence
- Calibration Point
- Redline
The following are required gas data model feature classes for the Utility Network schema to integrate with Pipeline Referencing:
- Pipeline
- Devices
- Junctions
- Assembly
- Structure Boundary
- Structure Junction
- Structure Line
- Subnet Line
The following fields must be present in the combined Pipeline-Centerline feature class to successfully configure it for use with an LRS and to take advantage of all Pipeline Referencing and Utility Network capabilities.
Field | Data type | Length | IsNullable | Description |
Centerline ID | GUID | Yes | The unique ID for centerline geometry. | |
Route ID | String or GUID | Same type and length as the route ID field in the centerline sequence table. | No | The unique ID for each route in the network. |
From Measure | Any Numeric | Yes | The measure on the route where the beginning of the feature is located. | |
To Measure | Any Numeric | Yes | The measure on the route where the end of the feature is located. |
Remarque :
When storing routes and measures, additional Utility Network feature classes, such as Devices and Junctions, will need route ID and measure fields.
Configuring, loading data, and publishing a Utility Network and a Pipeline Referencing LRS
Both Pipeline Referencing and Utility Network have specific requirements and steps to follow to correctly deploy in a single geodatabase. While a utility network can be manually configured, users are encouraged to explore the Utility Network Package Tools to simplify the deployment of their utility network.
Use the following steps to deploy a Pipeline Referencing LRS and a utility network in a single geodatabase.
Remarque :
Before beginning this process, make sure that the correct spatial reference, x,y, z-tolerance, and m-tolerance and resolution are configured for all feature classes being utilized by Pipeline Referencing and Utility Network to ensure the LRS can be correctly configured.
Learn more about tolerance and resolution settings in the LRS
- Stage a Utility Network.
- Apply an asset package (such as the gas configuration).
- Create the LRS using either the Create LRS or Create LRS from Existing Dataset tools.
- Run the Configure Utility Network Feature Class tool to associate the centerline and pipeline feature classes as part of a utility network and LRS.
- Create each of the LRS Networks using either the Create LRS Network or Create LRS Network from Existing Dataset tools.
- Create each of the LRS events using either the Create LRS Event or Create LRS Event from Existing Dataset tools.
- Load data into your utility network using the Append tool and into the LRS using the Append Routes and Append Events tools.
Remarque :
The Append Routes tool will load features into the combined centerline-pipeline feature class. It is recommended that you use this tool first to populate this feature class with features that have valid centerline IDs, populate the remaining attributes, then load additional pipes that will not be associated with the LRS.
- Verify the required fields to branch version your data are present (Global IDs and editor tracking enabled), and change the connection file versioning type to branch, then register your data as versioned.
- Follow the steps to publish a Utility Network and a Pipeline Referencing LRS in a single service.
Remarque :
To take advantage of the capabilities of both products, a single service with layers from both the Utility Network and LRS must be published.
Editing combined LRS and utility network data
Combining a Pipeline Referencing LRS and Utility Network together in a single service allows users to edit data managed by both using ArcGIS Pro. When editing a service with both LRS and utility network data coming from a single database, some LRS editing workflows will be slightly different.
Create, extend, and realign route
When the pipeline feature class in Utility Network also serves as the centerline in the LRS, the following additional requirements apply and the route creation and editing steps change:
- The route ID, from measure, and to measure columns from the pipeline feature class must be associated with the LRS. To ensure pipes and centerlines that are added to this feature class remain traceable and verifiable to their source documents, populate the from measure and to measure fields whenever you create or import centerlines. This should be done before using these feature classes in LRS tools for editing.
- When centerlines are used in the create, extend, or realign route tools, the values in the From Measure and To Measure columns will be read and used to place calibration points at the beginning and end of each centerline segment used in the edit activity. Placing these calibration points ensures the measure on the route in the LRS Network does not change when other edits take place along the route over time, maintaining traceability and verifiability to the source document used to input the pipe.
Centerlines and route creation
In the following table and diagram, centerline attributes before route creation are shown.
Centerline attributes before route creation
OID | Route ID | From Measure | To Measure |
1201 | <null> | 0 | 104.35 |
1202 | <null> | 104.35 | 177.89 |
1203 | <null> | 177.89 | 265.27 |
In the following table and diagram, centerline attributes after route creation are shown.
Centerline attributes after route creation
OID | Route ID | From Measure | To Measure |
1201 | {7a765e36-dbb0-43f9-a1f1-b6f37a4e445a} | 0 | 104. 35 |
1202 | {7a765e36-dbb0-43f9-a1f1-b6f37a4e445a} | 104. 35 | 177. 89 |
1203 | {7a765e36-dbb0-43f9-a1f1-b6f37a4e445a} | 177. 89 | 265. 27 |
Route attributes
OID | Route ID | Route Name |
1000 | {7a765e36-dbb0-43f9-a1f1-b6f37a4e445a} | Route 17A-South |
Combined editing workflow in ArcGIS Pro
Use the following workflow to complete LRS editing using a service with LRS and utility network data:
- Create and update any pipelines or centerlines that will be used in LRS editing activities (create, extend, or realign route). This includes populating the from measure and to measure columns for these features that will be used for LRS editing activities.
- Optionally, validate your utility network topology to ensure that newly created or updated pipes are valid.
- Complete the LRS editing activity.
- Run apply event behaviors and any other tools to update associated LRS data, such as the derived network and events.
- If other utility network features have route and measure fields modeled, update them using the Update Measures from LRS tool.
- Validate your utility network topology to ensure all edits are valid.
- To create new or edit existing events, launch the ArcGIS Event Editor.
Analysis capabilities in a combined LRS and Utility Network
Another advantage of configuring a Pipeline Referencing LRS and a Utility Network in a single geodatabase is the combined analysis capabilities of both products on your pipeline system. You can check for connectivity and traversability on the entire Utility Network, its subnetworks, or upstream and downstream of specific network areas.
Pipeline Referencing data is typically fed into various integrity and compliance applications for analysis and reporting. Many of these processes apply dynamic segmentation using the Overlay Events tool. When the pipeline feature class in a Utility Network is also configured as the centerline in the LRS using the Configure Utility Network Feature Class tool, this feature class can be included with networks and events in the Overlay Events tool for dynamic segmentation, allowing these features and their attributes to be included without having to model a separate event.
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