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Calculates the Burn Area Index (BAI) from a multiband raster object and returns a raster object with the index values.


L'indice de zones brûlées (BAI) utilise des valeurs de réflectance des portions rouges et NIR du spectre pour identifier les surfaces du MNT affectées par le feu.

BAI = 1/((0,1 - rouge)^2 + (0,06 - NIR)^2)

For information about other multiband raster indexes, see the Band Arithmetic raster function.

The referenced raster dataset for the raster object is temporary. To make it permanent, you can call the raster object's save method.


BAI (raster, {red_band_id}, {nir_band_id})
ParamètreExplicationType de données

The input raster.


The band ID of the red band. The ID index uses one-based indexing.

(La valeur par défaut est 3)


The band ID of the near-infrared band. The ID index uses one-based indexing.

(La valeur par défaut est 4)

Valeur renvoyée
Type de donnéesExplication

The output raster object with the BAI values.

Exemple de code

BAI example

Calculates the Burn Area Index for a Landsat 8 image.

import arcpy

BAI_raster = arcpy.ia.BAI("Landsat8_SurfaceReflectance.tif", red_band_id = 4, nir_band_id = 5)
BAI example

Calculates the Burn Area Index for a Landsat 8 image.

# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy.ia import *

# Set the analysis environments
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/arcpyExamples/data"

# Set the local variables
in_raster = "landsat8.tif"

# Execute BAI function
out_bai_raster = BAI(in_raster, 3, 4)

# Save the output"C:/arcpyExamples/outputs/BAI.tif")