public IReadOnlyList<PortalItem> PortalItems {get;}
Public ReadOnly Property PortalItems As IReadOnlyList(Of PortalItem)
public IReadOnlyList<PortalItem> PortalItems {get;}
Public ReadOnly Property PortalItems As IReadOnlyList(Of PortalItem)
var portal = ArcGISPortalManager.Current.GetActivePortal(); var owner = portal.GetSignOnUsername(); var userContent = await portal.GetUserContentAsync(owner); //Get content for a specific folder (identified by its folder id) //var userContent = await portal.GetUserContentAsync(owner, folderId); //Get all the folders foreach (var pf in userContent.PortalFolders) { //Do something with the folders } //Get all the content items foreach (var pi in userContent.PortalItems) { //Do something with the portal items }
//user content previously from... //var userContent = await portal.GetUserContentAsync(owner); var packages = new List<PortalItemType> { PortalItemType.BasemapPackage, PortalItemType.GeoprocessingPackage, PortalItemType.LayerPackage, PortalItemType.LocatorPackage, PortalItemType.MapPackage, PortalItemType.ProjectPackage, PortalItemType.ScenePackage, PortalItemType.RulePackage, PortalItemType.VectorTilePackage }; var folder = @"E:\Temp\PortalAPITest\"; foreach (var di in userContent.PortalItems.Where(pi => packages.Contains(pi.PortalItemType))) { var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(folder, di.Name); await di.GetItemDataAsync(path); }
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1